Brilliant, just thought of it as when the police car is moving in one direction, "blue ahead arrows" like the ones that indicate the speed of traffic, but it would go faster and mybe brighter.
For the convince which helps the driver shoot such a worning quickly, the icon could be a separate indicator on the main map...or shooting the Reports button upward. And everyone ahead receives the fast blue arrow along the way.
Or some other better way, but it would be of great service to must.
Brilliant, just thought of it as when the police car is moving in one direction, "blue ahead arrows" like the ones that indicate the speed of traffic, but it would go faster and mybe brighter.
For the convince which helps the driver shoot such a worning quickly, the icon could be a separate indicator on the main map...or shooting the Reports button upward. And everyone ahead receives the fast blue arrow along the way.
Or some other better way, but it would be of great service to must.