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498 results found

  1. Autobahn ist gesperrt und in Waze kann man keine Strassensperre melden. Dies bitte unbedingt ermöglichen danke

    Autobahn ist gesperrt und in Waze kann man keine Strassensperre melden. Dies bitte unbedingt ermöglichen danke

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  2. Corregir Nombre de Calle

    Por favor corrijan el nombre de mi calle que aparece solo como Fray de las Casas, el nombre correcto es Fray Bartolome de las Casas. Esto en País: México, Estado: Estado de México. Municipio: Naucalpan de Juarez. Colonia: Ciudad Satelite. Circuito Misioneros. Zip Code 53100

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  3. il y a une érreur...

    bonjour, j'habite à Rouans au douet près de la tindière , il existe un autre douet au Pellerin à 15 km , que vous avez par érreur intégré sur la commune de Rouans. merci de rectifié , les transporteurs se trompent...salutations

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  4. Doesn’t direct you to the house number, only to start of street

    Had the same problem again today drove to an address which the same street was on both sides of a cross road, Waze told me to turn left when I should have turned right as it was a high house number, pain in the backside as it has happened on multiple occassions, I am going back to google maps until this is introduced it really is such a simple thing but so important

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  5. Wazes is still taking me through the congestion charge.when it is set on avoiding the ccg zone

    Wazes is still taking me through the congestion charge when set on avoiding it

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  6. stick waze up your ass

    I have deleted your app and will never download it again. After a road from from Texas to California we were trying to navigate Los Angeles and its horrible roads. We hit LA around 12:30 and got intermittent updates from waze. And when one told us to take an exit to avoid traffic we took it. ONLY to find the road we were put on, was closed, BLOCKED. And we were stuck on on a road that had been blocked off for extended construction. After navigating that mess on my own, I deleted your app and you can take it…

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  7. Wegen in NL aanpassen naar 100km per uur

    Snelheid op de Nederlandse wegen naar 100km/u. Deze zijn nog niet gewijzigd!

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  8. The directions window covers the navigation map.

    Close icon or hide the window with directions, because it covers the navigation map.

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  9. Fix waze routing

    I'm not sure what you have done to waze lately but I just tried to route from Waterbury VT to Bridgewater NJ and got only 1 options. 87 to 91 to 84. I drive this a lot and its a horrible route and the slowest. Waze always have given me 3 peoples from here to NJ. Today not the case. Google did perfect. Why did you break some thing that works? I will likely not use waze for routing given a few other very poor routes.

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  10. Why it does the app no longer automatically show the fastest route

    Why does the app no longer default to showing shortest route?

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  11. Music Audio Quality

    Dear @waze - I believe you have one of the best navigation app in the AppStore. But, there’s one major problem. When connected to Apple CarPlay, the audio quality is horrible when playing music!! Horrible enough that I’m forced to use Apple maps. Please fix this problem.

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  12. GPS Marker Lag?

    I notice some lag from my actual position compared with the GPS marker in the app. Wondering if this is something that is being addressed? iPhone maps doest have as much lag.

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  13. Fix your network availability issue

    Your app keeps telling its users that there's no network connection - but they have full service

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  14. please stop ruining my life

    i beg for the life of me and my neighborhood for WAZE to stop posting baxter st on their map as a faster route to the freeway/other. It causes such a traffic and danger to peoples lives. people in this community know how to navigate and drive through these hills because we live here and it is our life, but when WAZE advertises it as a quick solution, we experience traffic volumes for the first time ever, and we experience danger from incompetent and dangerous drivers, who break the law and create traffic. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU WAZE, STOP…

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  15. Áreas de risco

    Olá, participei recentemente do Fórum Nacional de segurança publica em TIC. Ouvi um relato que o Waze procurou as autoridades para tentar estabelecer rotas seguras, tenho algumas sugestões a esse respeito que.podem auxiliar a resolver o problema

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  16. Modification

    Dans le village de Mazan (vaucluse,France)une section de route dessinée n'exixte pas dans la réalité. Je ne peux l'emprunter et donc je ne peux pas modifier sur la carte cette erreur. Cette erreur donne une information vocale fausse.

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  17. Bug: Chosen route changes to shortest route after stopping without warning

    I've discovered that if I choose one of the alternate routes (if it is longer), and start navigating that route, if I go off the route and stop, say, for lunch, when I return to Waze it has rerouted to the default shortest route rather than the original alternate I had chosen. In one case I was unaware of this at first and it started taking me in the opposite direction in order to connect to what was (originally) the shortest route, but due to my current location was now a much longer route.

    That or the "shortest route" default…

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  18. Please enter the newly opened tunnel at Luise-Kiesselbach-Platz in Munich, Germany. Waze does not seem to knoe it. Thanks!

    Please enter the newly opened tunnel at Luise-Kiesselbach-Platz in Munich, Germany. Waze does not seem to know it. Thanks!

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  19. Bug in when driving using Navigate adjusting "Avoid Highways and Tolls"

    I think that if I am using the Navigate, but then decide to turn on or off the Navigation settings (Settings > Navigation) "Avoid Toll Roads & Avoid Major Highways, it should address this when it refreshes your route, but it does not. I have to completely Stop navigation and restart.

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  20. O mapa virar 180° utilizado

    O mapa virar 180° quando utilizado. Hoje ele só vira o mapa na tela em 90°. Assim posso utilizar o Waze enquanto carrego a bateria do celular

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