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227 results found

  1. Navigating to Coordinates

    The ability to enter coordinates into the 'Search' box to navigate to them. This would be nice for pin pointing exact locations on the map for places that don't have a physical address.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may already know, Waze supports GPS coordinates as destination.
    Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  2. Improve suggestions on my route

    Waze could show my way not only gas stations, but also restaurants, hotels or grinding machines.

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  3. When entering a route that has HOV lanes, it would be helpful if Waze asked how many occupants are in the vehicle. 1, 2, 3+ & direct if appl

    When entering a route that has HOV lanes, it would be helpful if Waze asked how many occupants are in the vehicle. 1, 2, 3+ And utilize the HOV lane where applicable.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze offers HOV routing for taxis. To change your vehicle type go to Settings > Vehicle type. There are currently no plans to add more HOV options.

  4. Please make Motorcyle and Car navigation option !

    ex motorcycle navigation dnt take toll road and so on

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  5. Screen dimming or even shutdown when the vehicle stops

    Wase. Please create a screen dimming (or even shutdown) when the vehicle stops and automatically reactivate when moving again. This would be very good for nature (energy saving) and for increasing privacy and security inside the vehicle.

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  6. Lanes description

    Recently there was a graphic description of the lanes before approaching a junction, so the driver can see what lanes exist and which one to choose. And after a while it was removed. It was nice and helpful, please give an option to put it back.

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  7. to be able to delete "all" in navigation searches and navigation history

    i work for a delivery service and would like to be able to delete "all" searches and history at once instead of one by one. I use only waze and have up to 15 deliveries in a day. Over a weeks time or more it builds up
    this is so frustrating that there is no delete ALL

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  8. Additional support for Apple Carplay

    All the features of Waze are not available in Apple CarPlay... like policeman on other side of road or object in road. Please add all features of Waze to CarPlay.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may already know, Waze is already supported on CarPlay. Stay tuned for more feature updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  9. Add Costco and Sam's Club to favorite gas stations list

    Add Costco and Sam's Club to favorite gas stations list.

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  10. Calculate tolls for each route.

    In many countries, tolls have a substantial price difference depending on the hour of the day, and toll-less routes are often just terribly crowded. Being able to choose between 2 or more toll roads knowing in advance how much each route costs would allow us to make an intelligent decision!

    En muchos países, los peajes tienen diferencias sustanciales dependiendo de la hora, y las rutas sin peajes suelen estar colapsadas. Sería mucho más inteligente poder elegir entre 2 o más rutas con peaje, sabiendo cuál sería el costo de cada una al momento de elegir!

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze calculates and displays toll prices in many parts of the world. To know when this becomes available in your country, stay tuned on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  11. Show Speedometer outside Path Navigation

    Without the need to define a path, having the option to show the Speedometer outside a Navigation Session would be useful just to show the speed of the current user, either on a car, motorcycle, on foot, etc.

    This, with the addition of a full-screen Speedometer, would be even great.

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    Great news! This functionality is already available in Waze. Via Speedometer settings you’re able to set speedometer and/or current speed limit to be always displayed in app – even in free drive mode.

  12. CarPlay et afficheur tête haute

    Serait-il possible de transférer les indications de guidage simples ( fléchés, carrefours et distances) vers l’écran tête haute comme celui du GPS de base de la voiture. Pour les véhicules équipés d’origine.

    Would it be possible to transfer simple guidance indications (arrowheads, intersections and distances) to the head-up display like that of the car's basic GPS. For vehicles equipped with origin.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may already know, Waze is already supported on CarPlay. Stay tuned for more feature updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  13. Empedrado

    Habilitar opción para evitar tramos largos en calles de empedrado ya que resulta una experiencia incómoda de viaje

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  14. Waze for Learning conductors

    Hi, in France and may be in other countries, learning driver have dedicated speed limits to respect, have to learn with parents during few month and cumulated kilometer to do in a duration.

    Is Waze could support theses features ?

    Thanks a lot,

    Hugo Cholat

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  15. Driver's Line Assistant

    Hello. Please add the Driver's Line Assistant to your Waze app. I think it's very important thing, because that's one of things which is missed and what would help driver (user) drive right line. Some countries/cities have like 3 curves left and 2 right on highways. So, this will help to avoid problems after seeing/hearing "Turn left".

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  16. Current Speed limit

    show the Current speed limit in the UI. also, add option to get notified whenever my driving speed is X km/h above the limit. (the users will set it)

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  17. User coud select correct lane

    In my country (Brazil), there are many places with Express & Local lanes running side by side.

    In that case when Waze makes the route and the traffic changes quickly, I decide to choose a different lane (for exemple express instead of local), I wanted to be able to "touch" the screen and select the correct lane, so Waze could re-route and show me the rights options to continue my route.

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    Great news! Lane guidance feature is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.

  18. Avoid difficult junctions option

    It would be nice to have the option of avoiding junctions that involve you crossing several lanes of traffic that ain't traffic light controlled.

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  19. I ride a motorcycle and sometimes I need to use Waze. It would be great if there was an option to "ignore" traffic and do the fastest path.

    I ride a motorcycle and sometimes I need to use Waze. It would be great if there was an option to "ignore" traffic and do the fastest path. Since I ride a moto, I never get traffic.

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  20. 2 steps ahead, show me what will be next

    I wold like to know what kind turn will be after turn, basically it is will be great to know 2 steps ahead: for example "after 1000 feet turn left, than after 1 mile turn right", now it is happens only with the closes turns to each other's, and I every time on the red traffic light for example scrolling map , because I want to know what will be next. Even not by voice, but you can easily show the next step on the top (second turning arrow), best navigation systems show 2 steps ahead - it is very…

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