Make editor impact more obvious
Drivers get a regular report of their reporting impact, such as how many reports and how many people were impacted and helped. It would be nice if WME did something similar. Perhaps in the editing history show some statistics to allow editors to see their impact for edits.
Such as:
Segments: Give a rough estimate of how many drivers navigated to a destination on this segment or traversed the segment (such as navigated to a PP with a stop point or to a HN).
Places: How many users have searched for / navigated to this place.
Under each edit in history, it could show the impact. So for the edit 1 day old, the reach might be 2-3 drivers helped, but five edit entries previously you can see that 2,323 people have been helped.
Since we are all volunteers, it's important for us to see how our volunteer work is impacting actual people instead of just a segment appearing on a map.