Ability to select metric for distance tool and imperial for speed limits
This request is specific to the editor environment.
As I am in the UK, I must have speed limits in mph, so have no choice but to select Imperial in my settings.
However, this then causes the distance tool "Ruler" to measure in feet, however I want to measure in metres as that is what all the legal documents (Traffic Regulation Orders) show the new highway changes in.
At the moment, I am having to resort to google to translate the metres to feet value in order to use the Ruler, and would prefer it if Waze would show the Ruler in metres all the time.
The feature is there, to set the Units to Metric, but this also switches Speed Limits to km/h which is not suitable for UK roads.
The request is to allow us to define the Units setting granularly, so that a user can set it Metric for the Ruler and Imperial for the Speed Limits.