Have small arrows on the road
The same way when you’re on the highway you have an arrow indicating a Lane, would be great if you had this option on all streets, (have multiple arrows, each resembling amount of lanes on private roads and highways in those directions) at the same time would need to make the app available to be zoomed in a little bit more, see those smaller details, and it could and will be a big help in certain scenarios. For example: if someone was never in a certain city, and pulling up to a street where it has a turning lane, lane to go straight, and a lane to make a left, the arrows on the map would indicate that, and would be able to correctly proceed. I have seen more streets having the arrows on them, but it’s a little bit too limited, and would want additional arrows resembling those “turning or go straight” lanes, and the overall amount of lanes as well. Hope this was helpful and becomes a feature. Thank you.