We live in a small neighborhood in Granada Hills, CA USA. When there is an issue with the 118 FWY or major streets, e.g. Balboa, - WAZE is directing drivers through our small neighborhood streets. We have 3+ elementary and middle schools in this area. The drivers are disrespectful, drive very fast, sometimes DO NOT STOP AT listed stop signs, and clog the area so residents cannot reach their home. WAZE should restrict usage of smaller neighborhood streets for re-directing LARGE amounts of traffic through the area.
It has become dangerous and chaotic to drive in our small neighborhood
We live in a small neighborhood in Granada Hills, CA USA. When there is an issue with the 118 FWY or major streets, e.g. Balboa, - WAZE is directing drivers through our small neighborhood streets. We have 3+ elementary and middle schools in this area. The drivers are disrespectful, drive very fast, sometimes DO NOT STOP AT listed stop signs, and clog the area so residents cannot reach their home. WAZE should restrict usage of smaller neighborhood streets for re-directing LARGE amounts of traffic through the area.
It has become dangerous and chaotic to drive in our small neighborhood