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221 results found

  1. 10 votes

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for your suggestion!
    Waze can currently direct your partial walking route when it’s a part of a drive or carpool.
    We are currently not planning on adding walking mode for complete routes.
    Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  2. mark/find free parking spots

    Maybe you can add and option in Waze to mark free parking spots, like google "Open Spot" (

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    Not right now  ·  krankyd responded

    This was available in the early stages of waze, but was not successful at all. In areas where parking was needed, the update was not helpful, and was misleading as it’s hard to cancel an existing report.

  3. Add ability to report gas prices with WP

    With WP it's not possible to change/update gas prices.
    So add ability to report gas prices with WP

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  4. 33 votes

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  5. Please update the WP8 app for better battery usage and overheating

    The new WP8 is very harsh on the battery and overheats the phone like nothing I have ever seen before. Others have complained of this same issue in the reviews section of the Windows Phone Store. Even if the phone is plugged into the car's power source, the Waze app uses the battery faster than it is being charged and the charging just can't keep up. Makes the app impossible to use without draining battery and overheating phone.

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  6. Hide notification bar in Android

    Hiding the Notification bar would give a little more screen real estate, but the big deal here is that newer phones have AMOLED screens which can suffer from burn-in, and the notification bar in Android with the screen turned way up while navigating for hours is surely going to cause this. Can we PLEASE hide the notification bar so it doesn't damage our screens? Nexus One, Desire, Incredible, likely others will all be possibly impacted by this.

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    Not right now  ·  krankyd responded

    this will not solve the issue with these screens, as waze has its own bar (right below the notifications bar) which will not be removed. So we need to think of a better solution that will prevent the burn-in, but hiding the notifications bar will not help.

  7. On wp8 please make the text of the current speed a little bigger.

    You can do this by removing the km/u text and/or increasing the circle.

    Because I use navigation a lot, I'm used to look at my phone for the current speed in stead of my dashboard.

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  8. better touch control on map for wp

    On WP touch control for map is terrible.

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  9. BlackBerry Q10

    Can you please release an app for the BB Q10 ?

    If developing a native app is not in the cards - can you modify an existing app to work on the BB 10 platform ? as there are apps that work on the Z10 but not on the Q10 - please make sure that it works on both ....
    please let us know if there are any plans for this release - we are loyal to Waze and to BB and are eagerly awaiting this omission to be corrected .

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  10. Addresses in Colombia

    Addresses are pretty easy to implement in Colombia, they have 2 components. The main road being it a Calle or Carrera most of the time, and the House number, made of two parts, The intersection with the opposing road, for example a Carrera would intersect with a Calle and viceversa, and the distance from the intersection. For example, Calle 45 #67-85 would be 85 meters after the intersection of Calle 45 and Carrera 67, on Calle 45 going towards calle 68. It would be pretty easy, and really convenient for users in Colombia.

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    7 comments  ·  Navigation  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for this suggestion.
    We are aware of this need since address fields are ordered differently from one country to the other.
    Providing this flexibility in address fields is planned but it’s out of current scope so we can’t share a timeline at the moment.
    We will keep the community posted, so stay tuned!

  11. Option for pedestrian route?

    I use Waze for driving, but occasionally need some direction on walking/running routes. It's only slightly different but might be a nice option.

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    Thank you for your suggestion!
    Waze can currently direct your partial walking route when it’s a part of a drive or carpool.
    We are currently not planning on adding walking mode for complete routes.
    Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  12. Only show gas stations on my side of the freeway

    When I search gas station on my route, waze also shows gas station on the other side of the freeway. Those are not reachable, unless I turn around.
    Could you improve this feature so gas stations on the other side of the freeway are excluded, or make it a settings option.

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  13. Speech recognition for Windows Mobile

    Voice input works great for Android but is not currently available for Windows Mobile 6.5. Can this be added?

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  14. Please make a BlackBerry 10/Playbook version!

    Any thoughts on supporting the new BlackBerry 10 / Playbook OS? With the support they have for running Android apps in their own JVM this should be a slam dunk.

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  15. Paste to Address Search bar within Windows Mobile

    Windows Mobile version does not allow for Paste to the Address Search bar. I usually receive the address via email or attached in a PDF. Without copy and paste I have to write the address down on paper and then type it back into my mobile in the address bar. Time consuming and awkward!

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Symbian S^3 version for Nokia N8 and co ?

    The Symbian S60v5 version can be launched on a N8 but it often crashes. Maybe the S60 version can be adapted to work better on N8 but you're the only ones who can confirm or not ;).

    Thank you

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    Not right now  ·  krankyd responded

    At the moment this is not planned, as Nokia itself announced the end of Symbian. Sorry guys.

  18. Samsung Wave (BADA Operating System)

    Create a client application suitable for Samsung Wave (with the new BADA Operating System).

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    Not right now  ·  krankyd responded

    At the moment this is not planned. The amount of work required makes it hard for us to currently plan support for this platform, though we do want to support as many platforms as possible in the future.

  19. Integrate with Google Latitude

    Would you kindly consider integrating Google Latitude in a future iPhone version? I'd love to autoupdate my waze-less family on where I'm driving and it's a bit awkward having to run waze+glympse or waze+latitudie at the same time. If waze was able to update the Latitude position at least every few minutes or kilometers, it would help a lot. Many thanks in advance, and thanks for waze, it works pretty good although there aren't too many users here yet.

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    Not right now  ·  krankyd responded

    At the moment this isn’t possible. Hopefully you will find the FB and Twitter integrations sufficient.

  20. Add quick text to road reports

    Typing while driving is dangerous. However, don't you often want to add more information to a road report? Do you go ahead and type that message illegally or do you simply submit something that you know is an incomplete, ambiguous report. What if you had the option to choose from a list of common stock text modifiers to help with your reporting? What if it was possible to edit these to your specifications?

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