Allow users to keep hands on the keyboard until done typing
As a general principal of design, please allow the user to keep both hands on the keyboard until done typing information
Examples of desired behavior:
Places - After entering address, use the return/ enter key to activate the "apply" button. Or else automatically apply address changes when tab is used to advance to another field. (Currently, we have to move hand to mouse, click apply, find correct place on keyboard, and then use tab to advance to name field and resume typing)
Closures - After entering description, use the tab key to advance to "direction" (Currently, this does not work). After using tab key to advance to "Start", use up/down arrows to change year. Tab to month to use up/down arrows to change month. Tab to day to use up/down arrows to change day. Tab to hour, etc (Currently, we can either type in the entire date or else move a hand to the mouse to use the calendar pop-up to set the date. This change would make date entry work more like time entry currently works)
by voludu2
Link to original suggestion:

From our check, this should be working.
In case you still have an issues with it.
Please open a bug, and we will take care of it.
AdminWaze Team (Admin) (Admin, Waze) commented
In vanilla production, I can currently enter all information for a closure without removing my fingers from the keyboard.
Enter description - TAB
Use arrow to change direction or press A for A>b, B for B>A, T for two-way - TAB
Type in date (YYYY-MM-DD) - TAB
Enter hours - TAB (POSSIBLE BUG Here is currently a small issue, when I tab into the hours box, it goes to the minutes and I have to shift-tab to get into the hours)
Use arrow to change Event or press N for "none" - TAB
Press space to tick the HOV box - ENTER to saveVanilla WME does this as well.
I can tab through address field and hit enter at any point to activate the "apply" button then TAB to the name box
Tab from name box highlights the "Add alternate name", you can press enter to create new box and then shift-tab to go into alt name box or tab past it which puts you in the category box.If you tab a second time, you can start typing a new category to add it.
NOTE: you can't delete the current category without mouse
tab to description
tab to entry point - press enter to create if needed
tab to external link - press enter to create box and shift-tab twice to take you into box to start typing - arrow through results and press enter to selectNOTE: Lock and PP/AP have to be done by mouse
I have not tested extra tabs yet
by jm6087