Submit corrections
Is there a way to submit corrections? Waze has my address wrong. It sends people to a nearby street. This is a big problem now as I am having groceries delivered during the pandemic. Thanks for any assistance.

Anonymous commented
Need to name Ranch Creek Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387
DwarfLord commented
Kathryn W, if you are using Waze but not editing the map at all, you can always report a problem two ways. (1) Using the app, you can press the big orange button in the lower right to "send a report" and then select "Map issue". (2) Using a web browser, you can bring up the location of the problem in Waze's "live map" -- -- then right-click on the location of the problem and, from the resulting drop-down menu, select "Report a problem".
John M commented
If you need help with fixing your address location, I suggest posting something in the appropriate country/state forum. A map editor can look into the issue and see if they can help fix it. Please make sure to provide as much detail as possible, including permalink to the location