address: 1010 Cliff View Dr, Kingston Springs, TN, 37082 is listed as a cigna business please remove. This is a residence.Thank You
address: 1010 Cliff View Dr, Kingston Springs, TN, 37082 is listed as a cigna business please remove. This is a residence.Thank You

Nathan Ward commented
Alternatively, you can report map issues in the app (phone) or on the live map (computer) if that’s easier than the forum.
Nathan Ward commented
Hi, Nynwelle! I’m a volunteer editor (not based in Tennessee). Fortunately, I could help in this situation.
After investigating, I found out that this is a Google Maps place. Waze includes Google Maps places in its search feature.
I successfully requested its removal from that map.
Message from Google:
“Thanks for contributing
Your edit to Cigna Health Care has been accepted. Note that some changes might take up to 24 hours before appearing on Google.Thank you for improving Google Maps! Your insights make it a better, more useful map for everyone.”
For future reference, you can communicate with editors directly on applicable Waze forums. You’re more likely to get a quick response there.
South Atlantic:
I hope this helps!