Detour routes
We need the ability to add detour routes (paths) that can be added and removed in real time and/or scheduled to use in conjunction with closures. Often when local authorities announce closures, the also specify preferred detour routes.
TowerFire36 (5) IA SM / PLN AM commented
I also have state DOT officials from several states asking if I can help identify detours in the app. Something like this would be very helpful.
moogonk commented
Often, government-provided detours are not the fastest way to get to a destination. Waze excels at determining the fastest detour when aware of closures, and we shouldn't override that ability and replace with detours determined by transportation agencies/bureaus. This change is well-meaning, but I request that it be not implemented.
Richard Pyne commented
Like this one I received from an Idaho Transportation Department project engineer regarding a scheduled freeway ramp closure: "[T]hey will be directed to Pocatello Creek and loop around to go NB and take the north to west ramp which goes to I-86 WB."