Add Driving Restriction option to enable Toll flag for specific date / time / vehicle settings
Driving Restrictions currently has Allowed, Toll Free, Prohibited
But we also need an option to explicitly set Toll Enabled
We have a road that operates as a Toll road for all vehicles 6-9am but then changes to not a Toll road (also for all vehicles) from 9:01am to 5:59am the following day.
We can't use the Toll Free option as there isn't a subset of vehicles that are not charged a Toll during this time period.
Also setting a Toll Free period 9:01 to 5:59 has no impact as the driving restriction is only checked during the hours its active and has no impact outside that period.
The Toll Flag checkbox can only be used to apply a 24/7 two way Toll Flag to the segment, and can't be used combined with a Toll Free restriction to enable the Toll Flag during 6-9 and then the Toll Free restriction removing the Flag outside that,
Therefor to get the Toll Flag to apply to all vehicles during a specific time period we need another option as the Toll Free doesn't cover our situation, (it assumes there will always be a subset of vehicles that aren't charged a Toll for the period)
Great timing! We’re currently working on time-based driving restriction. Keep an eye out for updates on the WME.
Brandon28AU commented
While it might not be the most user-friendly solution (perhaps some rewording could improve it), I wanted to suggest a potentially simpler way for the developers to address this issue. If WME permitted us to save a Toll Free restriction with the eligible vehicles array being empty, this would essentially mean that all vehicles would be required to pay the toll during the designated time without having to make a new restriction type.