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327 results found

  1. V nabídce paliva chybí CNG

    V nabídce paliva rozšiřte o možnost CNG.

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  2. Max speed setting? My van doesnt go above 50-55

    Hi, can we have a max speed setting? My van doesnt go above 50-55 so sometimes motorway routes arent the quickest option. It might suggest better routes based on my maximum speed

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  3. Possibility to create more than one profile

    I have a car and a camper and it would be useful being able to create and use separate profiles. In this way it could be possible to select options associated to a specific profile and also statistics would be more accurate. For example, when I drive my van after having used the car, the expected travel time is always shorter and I arrive later. The opposite when I use the car after a long trip with the camper: Waze expect me to drive slowly and all travel time are longer than expected

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  4. Range Inclusion

    I’d like to suggest a feature that could greatly benefit electric vehicle (EV) drivers like myself. It would be extremely helpful if Waze could integrate EV range information into the app to provide more accurate recommendations for nearby charging stations. Additionally, ensuring that the data on available chargers is up-to-date and reliable is crucial, especially with different charging speeds and station availability. This improvement would make Waze an even more valuable tool for EV drivers, enhancing our ability to plan routes effectively and avoid range anxiety.

    Thank you for considering this!

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  5. הזנת רכב חירום

    שלום, אני נהג אמבולנס והייתי שמח להגדרת רכב חירום באופציות סוג רכב (כמו שיש רכב פרטי, מונית, אופנוע) אשר בהמשך תכוון אותי לכתובת המיועדת הקצרה ביותר, המהירה ביותר לצורך הצלת חיים

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  6. Electric Scooters

    Add Electric Scooter support, so it suggests best paths considering the speed limit of your model , and the local laws like going on pedestrian only roads, might work very good with bikes and e-bikes navigation.
    Micro-Mobility is going popular and we don't have a good navigator for it, yet.

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  7. Driving bike option please

    Can you please make an bike option thank you

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  8. 1 vote

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    Add displacement limitation for motorcicles:
    in Italy (but I think is EU-wide), for example, we have:
    • 50cc cannot go on "Extraurbane principali" [2-lane, guardrail, controlled access, blu signage, small motorways] and "autostrade" [motorways, same as above but with 130 speed limit and green signage, usually toll].
    • 125 cc 2-wheelers can go on extraurbane principali but not on autostrade,
    • over 150cc 2-wheelers can go also on autostrade.

    Also "small 4-wheelers" (microcars that can be driven with AM license) can drive only on roads suitable for 50cc 2 wheelers.

    My suggestion is…

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  10. Pueden poner los coches eléctricos y los puntos de recarga según el segmento

    Pueden poner los coches eléctricos y los puntos de recarga según el segmento

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  11. Autó méretek megadása

    2,3 m széles 1 sima Ford tranzit is. Stuttgartban vannak 2m széles útszakaszok itt nagyon szoktak utálni a szembe jövők! 😁 A magasság is fontos lenne egy lakóautó esetében, de még a céges tranzitom is 2,7 magas és ezzel is volt már problémám. 10 éve vagyok felhasználó Anglia, Németország, Magyarország miden szuper, de ez a probléma minden hol hozott már kellemetlen helyzetbe.

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  12. Walking I know this is a car app but I bet more people will use it for walking too

    Dear Waze I think we should make a walking app because many kids have phones and want a quick way to get where there going that’s why we can add a navigation for walking thank you for listening

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  13. Integration with AAIdrive

    As the author of AAIdrive, an open-source app that adds some custom apps to the legacy BMW iDrive system, my users keep asking for integration with their favorite apps, and Waze is very popular indeed! Is there any possibility to integrate either the hazards list or perhaps a full Waze experience?

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  14. אין אפשרות לבחור סוג רכב משאית

    אני מכיר מקרה של נהג משאית שווייז הוביל אותו דרך רחוב צר שגם היה בו גשר יחסית נמוך למשאית. מיותר לציין שהנהג נתקע לפרק זמן ארוך וגרם לפקק תנועה אחריו עד שהצליח להיחלץ. אולי כדאי לשקול את עניין המשאית גם אורך וגם גובה בהגדרות ההרשמה לאפליקציה.

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  15. 2 votes

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  16. Bonjour , serait’il possible une fonctionnalité pour les utilisateurs de Quad ?

    Pouvoir utiliser Waze avec un Quad pour éviter les axes routiers non appropriés

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  17. Emergency route

    Hello! We want a development that makes it easier for ambulances, firefighters, and police officers to respond to an accident. The vehicle category should be selectable for vehicles with distinctive markings, so that they can approach the site by the shortest route. You can also enter streets where it is forbidden to drive in or except with a permit.

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  18. Caravane

    Proposer des trajets pour véhicule tractant une caravane

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  19. Il serait bien de rajouter la catégorie E98 dans le choix de carburant pour le véhicule.

    Rajouter l’option E98 dans le choix de carburant serait profitable pour les ancien modèle de voitures essences surtout que celui ci n’est pas disponible dans toutes les stations et faciliterai donc sa recherche pour les conducteur de voiture roulant au E98

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  20. Show as Tractor

    Display yourself as a tractor or slow vehicle on the map. Yes also agricultural vehicles use waze and normal roads. They would like to warn other drivers. Like trash trucks or snow plow trucks.

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