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303 results found

  1. How about a bald eagle!

    A flying bald eagle would be awesome.

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  2. 93 octane

    so i am a wazer from Jamaica, also a Level 3 editor. as it relates to fuel types currently on waze we only have 3 types from before compared to now which we have 5 at some gas stations.

    E10-87, E10-88, E10-90, E10-93 and ULSD ...... Diesel as well

    i would love to see extra slots to facilitate these fuel


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  3. Type de carburant

    Il manque electrique comme carburant

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  4. Caractéristiques de véhicule (poids, largeur, hauteur) dans Waze


    Je propose d'ajouter la possibilité de renseigner les caractéristiques des véhicules, comme le poids, la largeur et la hauteur. Cela permettrait de mieux éviter les routes avec des limitations de dimensions ou de poids et d’optimiser la sécurité des trajets.

    Merci !

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  5. Integrate behind steering wheel Polestar 2

    PLEASE WAZE, There are currently like over 60 000 Polestar 2 cars on the road. Polestar has made it possible to have waze application on the cars center display but when using Waze, the screen behind the steering wheel becomes dark. When using google maps on Polestar 2, we get both maps on center screen and the screen behind the steering wheel.

    Polestar Support has reached out and said that Waze needs to integrate this. Please do , we have been waiting for more than e year for this.

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  6. Police

    Is there a way to possibly verify as law enforcement (through third-party app, such as and have a police car added as a vehicle. Would be neat to have an option to also show blue lights (on vehicle icon) when making a drive while running lights and siren

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  7. Označení paliva

    Zdravím. Mám jen připomínku. Nemohlo by se v nastavení (preferovaný druh paliva) objevit aktuální označování? E5, E10, Verva100

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  8. Waze pour camping acr

    Bonjour, Je suis utilisateur de Wase pour ma voiture et je m'en sert aussi pour mon camping car. ile serait intéressant d'avoir la hauteur, la largeur te la longueur du vehicule, ainsi que des itinéraires associés à ce type de véhicule, car nous nous trouvons sur des itinérarires non compatible à ce type de véhicule (gëne pour nous et les autres usagés).
    Merci à vous pour votre écoute et à bientöt sur Waze bien süre.

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  9. Bus/truck

    Zou het mogelijk zijn om een bus/truck toe te voegen als vervoersmodi. Dit uiteraard met de mogelijkheid om gelimiteerde wegen te vermijden. Uiteraard dient men de afmetingen van hun eigen voertuig in te geven.

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  10. Make Waze more useful for buses and trucks

    Make Waze more useful for buses and trucks. So i can choose that i drive one of those vehicles and not just between only a car, taxi or motorcycle. And can specify how tall the vehicle is. And Waze then navigates you so that you arrive without suddenly arriving at a bridge that is too low, for example

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  11. Medidas de vehículos

    Podríais poner en la app la manera de poder meter las medidas de los vehículos para que no nos meta por calles que luego no podemos salir? Gracias

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  12. Opção para caminhões e carretas.

    Esse aplicativo é maravilhoso para os motoristas, é o mais completo mesmo, alerta em tudo que existe no percurso, porém gostaria de solicitar a inclusão para rotas e acessos para os caminhões e carretas, pois não existe nada para ajudar, o GPS sempre joga os caminhões em lugares proibidos e restritos, causando transtornos e até mesmo sofrendo por multas e infrações. Para quem não sabe, existem rotas proibidas para caminhões e horários, principalmente para os químicos, se possível criar a opção para quem trabalha com esses tipos de veículos. Agradeço desde já, lembrando que os caminhões carregam o país, para…

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  13. אפליקציה בנפרד לרוכבי דו גלגלי

    כיום האפליקציה משותפת לרוכבי דו גלגלי ולנוהגים ברכבים.
    הדבר גורם לעיתים לבלבול ומסרבל את השימוש באפליקציה לרוכבים שמשתמשים בה כמוני לשתי צורות השימוש.
    ההצעה שלי היא להקים אפליקציה בנפרד לדו גלגלי כך שאם אני רוכב על האופנוע אז אוכל בתחילת הנסיעה פשוט לבחור בנייד את האפליקציה לשימוש רוכבי דו גלגלי וכמובן לחילופין אם אבחר לנהוג ברכב הפרטי אבחר בנייד את
    האפליקציה לשימוש רןכבי רכב פרטי. זה אמנם נראה עניין זוטר אך זה מונע טעויות ובזבוז זמן מיותר

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  14. more choice in vehicles

    why can't we choose the vehicle campervan anymore? that was possible before. also handy to be able to enter the width, height and weight of the vehicle so that the route takes that into account

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  15. Ajout de différents catégories de véhicule

    Bonjour sais vrai que Waze a ajouté plusieurs fonctions. Mais il ne pense pas au véhicule EB et plus gros car je travaille beaucoup sur la route ,et je me retrouve dans des situations un peux difficile car je n'ais pas les informations nécessaires pour mon vé saurait bien de nous rajouter.

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  16. luxury metal cards company in UAE

    Luxury metal cards, undoubtedly, bring the notion of prestige and snobbery to an advanced level. In this line of work, our company’s main focus is producing luxury metal cards company in UAE for customers. The cards are made with great care and attention to detail and offer various customization options. Ideal for premium membership programs, corporate gifting, or even for creating services- our luxury metal cards offer an enhancement to all events owing to their magnificent appeal.

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  17. A caravan and car/ute symbol for us travellers in the vehicle symbol section.

    A caravan and car/ute symbol for us travellers in the vehicle symbol section.

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  18. Dans la rubrique vehicules ajouter fourgons et caravanes. Merci

    Dans la rubrique vehicules ajouter fourgons et caravanes. Les routes de pi departementales sont parfois
    très etroites. Merci

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  19. Jurassic Park Vehicles!

    I'm currently sporting the Ecto-1 vehicle, but what I really want is to cruise around in Jurassic Park vehicles. The Jeeps and Explorers are just so iconic. I also wouldn't mind having the option to be a big old T-Rex.

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  20. Motorcycle icon

    In motorcycle mode there is no option to select an icon in the settings, i.e. no matter what I choose, an ugly motorcycle icon appears on the navigation screen. I suggest that each mode (private, taxi and motorcycle) has a different arrow color, and that selecting an additional icon is possible in each mode in the settings.

    W trybie motocyklowym nie ma możliwości wyboru ikonu w ustawieniach, tzn. cokolwiek bym nie wybrał na ekranow nawigacji pojawia się ikona motocykla, która jest brzydka. Proponuję by dla każdego trybu (prywatny, taxi i motocykl) był inny kolor strzałki, a wybranie dodatkowej ikony było…

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