Feature// Trip plan advisor
Hey guys, It thought that the following feature might be an excellent way to use Waze's huge mass data on its DBs to extract a very simple conclusion - At what time should I leave home.
Now I have seen a few other suggestions to a similar effect, but decided to write a new one becuase they were old and I don't think they capured the same potential.
So what is this feautre? The way I imagine it, Waze should offer an Advisor option on its menu (right next to nevegate, my waze etc.). This will open a new window where you will need to fill 3 fields: your starting point, your destination and the hour and date you need to be at the destination.
The calculation should compare in Waze DBs these all other trips using these three factors:
Starting point and Destination - Other trips that have taken place whose origins and destinations where anywhere in a 1 km radios (for example, could be more or less) from the waypoints the user typed in.
Time and date - Examine only the above-mentioned trips which have taken place on the same day of the week last week, past month and the same date last year.
These calculations should show a tendency which can be translated into advice on when to leave home, based on past user experiences.
We tend to know these tendencies when it comes to obvious times (In Israel for instance Saturday night has alot more traffic then Friday night, during July-August summer vacations roads are much emptier during morning hours etc.), but I truly believe that a solution like this complies beautifuly with Waze's mission to use the inteligence of the masses and help us nevigate as smarter, more informed drivers.