Plot recently driven roads
It would be great to have an option to mark roads recently driven by other wazers. This would increase the confidence that it's clear from traps, traffic jams etc.

Chrisp commented
Very good idea especially in areas with lower wazer density where the status of most roads is actually unknown.
Yellek commented
Mark roads with clear traffic in Green if a Wazer drives there. This way the existing functionality for coloring roads could be used.
John Heckendorf commented
Agreed. If a road has wazers travelling it at very frequent intervals I can have confidence with my forecast journey time and likelihood of hazard reports (lack of). Therefore a visual display of "Up Ahead Road Usage" and over what period of time would be extremely helpful.
bpitas commented
This is a good one. Even a temperature map using a brighter color for roads that have been driven on more recently would be great. Maybe a gradient of blue fading out to black, with 4 gradients that change colors every 15 minutes or something.