Full screen buttons for reporting (or even the menus)
Make the reporting menu fullscreen and rearrange the layout so that it becomes easier to press a button.
You could do the same thing to the main menu as well. Makes it easier to navigate through the menus while driving...
Anonymous commented
The buttons have same size on a large tablet. Not good .
Eva Kaniasty commented
Same issue. Let's say I am sitting at an intersection, and want to report a hazard. I have a couple seconds to hit the button - sometimes I have already started moving before I need to hit send. At least half the time, I end up missing the Submit button the first time. Please do some user testing with button sizes. Targets need to be bigger on the phone to begin with, and in the context of driving, they need to be even easier to hit!
Anonymous commented
The menús shoudln't need to be scrolled on a big screen (Note II), because they could clearly fit as a whole in the screen.
Abner Perry commented
Agree. I use a Nexus 7 tablet as my dashboard GPS and even on that the buttons are way too small. Can't imagine how much worse it would be on a phone!
Dennis commented
This is a must do change. My phone has a 5 inch screen and is mounted on the dashboard of my car. My face is about 18 inches from my phone. I cannot read anything that pops up, too small a font. Every morning there is at least six hasards that I could have reported, but I can see the small print. Please help us older drivers!
bubblebenj commented
This was asked with the previous interface. Do you still find it difficult to press buttons with the new interface?
cormanaz commented
No reason a set of buttons couldn't take up the whole screen, IMO. That would make it a lot safer to do reports on the move.
Linda Andersson commented
Size of buttons should be increased a lot. A button should not be smaller than the size of an apple App icon (they did the research!) and there should be spaces between buttons (they did the research!)
Important driver functions like "reroute" should not require fine motoric skills - reroute would be a candidate to replace the bulldozer, in my opinion.
Ville1955 commented
The buttons are to small to use when driving and not very sensitive, they need to be much larger for a quick one time touch.
Martin Tlustos commented
Anyhow, something needs to be done about using waze while driving - whether it is voice control or other buttons or what else... The way it is now isn't safe!
Martin Tlustos commented
Anyhow, something needs to be done about using waze while driving - whether it is voice control or other buttons or what else... The way it is now isn't safe!
steve commented
Grubby finger sized buttons would be a massive improvement