Add the option to Refresh the Routes offered when in view, or Auto-Refresh them
A few years ago I've asked for a quick button for showing alternative routes, which you've implemented, and for that I'm grateful.
This time I want to ask that the list of Routes be continuously updated, either automatically, or with a "Refresh" button at the top.
Most of the time when I drive to work I know the routes and don't need to look at the map, so I would like just the routes page to open - but it doesn't refresh and I need to keep going out of it and back into it to see the updates. It would be great if, as I go, the routes keep updating and even prioritizing as I progress in my route.

not me commented
left bottom button in main UI
Peri Drucker commented
a button that lets you do a route refresh at a any point in the middle of the route. Currently, the only way to refresh the route is to close down navigation and then open it again. traffic may have changed significantly since the initial route determination, and the original route may no longer be the best one.