Business Mileage
Send text or post to calendar trip miles for business or personal use. Maybe prompt for business or personal when creating trip. Or maybe maintain log to email for reporting. Regular favourite trips have a check box to indicated "personal" or "business" would be a plus. This would be a huge enhancement!

Barry Schonbrun commented
When I am travelling somewhere for my work, i often need to submit a map of the route i have taken. It would be wonderful if waze can generate an image or list of directions for the route i took, to make it easy to submit for expense reports.
Adam Clayton commented
I know there have been suggests like this, with them linking up to all sorts of accounting software. I feel a much simpler system should be added.
After inputting a route, Waze asks you if this journey is for business or personal. If you select person, it adds the mileage to a business mileage log. That log simply adds up the mileage until it’s reset. I believe this will make it more useful for more people, a carer who has to submit their mileage weekly can use it, then reset it every Monday, where as someone like me who submits mileage once a year, just leaves it topping up all year, then resets every April.
Calvin Chan YS commented
It would be best that every travel can download a report with info like total mileage travelled from starting point to destination.
Luis Alberto commented
Yeah... it is a great idea to check by day/dates what route could be better. Or Waze itself could bring analytics for.
Renee Hayward commented
Ability to download navigation history in Excel format. It would be an excellent report for work-related travel.
Graham commented
As I drive with work and claim back mileage and driving time it would be useful if waze stored my previous journeys. Told me total distance travelled (this could change with detours/reroutes) and total journey time for same reason.
Phil commented
It would be great to be able to extract mileage log (business) and import into something like Quicken as well.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if I could download my weekly /monthly trips for tax purposes
Anonymous commented
Second this feature request
Ben commented
Save old drives and have access to miles driven to be able to track for writing off miles for people using for work. Also be able to enter mileage from vehicle for trip to have proof for taxes.
Ulf commented
This is something I really need. To be able to indicate that this trip is for a special purpose to be entered into the log.
Or better yet, to not include it into the log. Enter everything else into the log so I don't forget.
Need it for work trips.
To be able to see date, time, start, stop, distance. -
Anonymous commented
this will be very useful to analyse trips. i recieved a traffic ticket and if i can find my location i can check speed limits etc. please include this feature
Jeff commented
Business Driving Qualifies for a Mileage Deduction. It would benefit users greatly if Waze helped users track which trips were "business" related and which trips were "personal." Ideally when entering my destination I could select "business" and it would save the information in a log which could be downloaded and edited on the Waze website. MileIQ does a decent job of this but it would be great to have everything in 1 package.
Shushan Kavod commented
a button or a swipe that you can press before and after a trip so you can log how many miles you're driving for work?
mettelise commented
I get a refund from my company on the miles that i drive in my car, so I need a function, where I can send my drive logs to my email, so I can see all my drives, when, where and how far, in a list form, so I easily can forward this to the account dept.Best Mettelise