Good morning.
Men from northern Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia precisely.
We have created a group on Telegram of about 330 people (and growing) that allows us to exchange information about places of the various State Police units Control, Police, Municipal Police and the Guardia di Finanza.
Now you can imagine how many messages arrive daily but mostly out of area messages, or alerts about a city even if I am in another.
With this message I wanted to ask if you could put in your reporting tab, the controlling authorities mentioned before so you can move the group on your company / app and report very quickly and precisely the checkpoints.
Also it should put an expiry time instead of not fixed control.
The ideal would be that we become informed of control even with a notification to app also closed, without displaying the map.
I hope I was clear enough in my purpose and I hope you take into consideration my proposal because in Italy, but I also think other states, there is always a need for mutual aid.
I extend my greetings confident of your kind reply.
Alessandro Mottes