Look on map events from Report ahead list
It would be useful if you can see on map events listed in Report ahead. Let say you are driving and you notice some traffic jam ahead so you just select that event and it shows on map where you can decide if you change your way or stay.

J commented
Best if able to tab on the "police" , "jam", "car stop", "roadwork" icons etc on the list view and it will show you exactly where it's occurring. This will help to plan the route better and where to divert .
Salvatore Aversa commented
Yes! This is a no-brainer. When it shows you a list of reports on your route, you should be able to select one and it show you exactly where it's occurring.
Dlabi commented
It would be useful if you can see on map events listed in Report ahead. Let say you are driving and you notice some traffic jam ahead so you just select that event and it shows on map where you can decide if you change your way or stay.
Anonymous commented
Before the gui was updated I could review a list of surrounding incidents. This was handy if I wanted to generally know if there were any issues in areas I was going to travel to in the short term.
It looks (at least on IOS) that this feature is no longer -
Anonymous commented
Ok I just update waze. Can someone please tell me how do I find the current traffic, accidents, police etc.... Not to report but when and where?