continuous speed limit alerts
Waze currently only alerts you once if you are speeding. Suggesting an option to allow to keep alerting every X number of min or seconds.

Anonymous commented
When over speed, the app just makes an usual (not alarming) sound and that is it. It would be better if the app continues to make alarming sound (could be an option) each 10 seconds, until speed goes back under the limit. Besides alarm, it could be said in form of repeating warning message like "over speed" (another option).
Anonymous commented
When there is no active route using Apple CarPlay, you don't get an audible speed limit alert warning, just the speed limit turning red. It would be useful to also get the audible associated with the alert like you do when navigating.
Anonymous commented
This goes for red light alerts and police alerts as well
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely helpful
CV commented
Speed Alert sound more volume, different type of speed alarm sounds alerting everytime over the speed limit. A switch to turn warning alarms off and on. SOUND is important when driving because all time the driver will be focusing on the street and not the screen, all alert sounds should have high volume, viz. for speed limit, etc.. should be more sharp, this makes Waze different from other gps navigation sys. and make driving safer. (sound could also say 'to slow down")
Anonymous commented
When driving if you are under the speed limit 500m befor the speed camera. But then if you miss that advice and accelerate you can be caught. It has happended a few times and it is frustrating.
Please make available the option at least. Thanks a lot fot the app it is awesome!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Let users decide arbitrary % or km/h number above the limit before a very loud alarm goes off.
Anonymous commented
The speed is exceeded, indicating once. If you keep beeping until the high speed should not look at him.
A sebesseg tullepest egyszer jelzi. Azonban ha folyamatosan jelezne csipogassal nem kellene ranezni a sebesseg merore folyamatosan. -
Anonymous commented
Yes. Selectable period for reminder and selectable sound effect.
Raphie commented
Il serait plus confortable et plus sécurisant d'avoir une notification sonore lors d'un dépassement de vitesse .
Merci pour votre travail et aux wazers :) -
WNTRHK commented
I love the alert that is activated when I go over the speed limit. I would like a second notification once I have gone back under the speed limit. Perhaps a friendly little chime as if to say, "Atta boy, you're back at a safe speed.
Alain commented
Make a sound when going x% above the speed limit (x user specified in preferences). Also user selectable speeding sound.
Henrique Hoffmann commented
Seria horrível para vias que estão configuradas com a velocidade abaixo da realidade, obrigando o usuário a andar lerdo demais ou desativando o recurso.
Uma dica quanto ao Suggestion Box, poste sempre em inglês além do português para que a administração entenda melhor.
Romain G commented
When you over speeding once on a road, there are no sound alerts anymore when you're on the same road and you over speeding again
Опасный Очень commented
Если превышаешь скростной режим на 10 - 15 км/час. Что бы на экране появлялось оповещение или звуковой сигнал. город и загород
Anonymous commented
Make an audible speed alert warning when going over the speed limit.