Make Primary Streets/Streets Visible from Farther Zoom Levels
In client, streets and primary streets disappear after zooming out only a few levels. Similar to Google Maps when zoomed out, streets are still visible from farther zoom levels, just scaled down appropriately.

andrepa2005 commented
I think it is better to have a ''permanently zoom" option. It makes no sense to see the map as if we were on a plane at 11,000 meters above.
Andres commented
With the latest update, I noticed that the app auto zooms out when you reach 40 mph. I was navigating without a destination set, and the map zooms out so much that I cannot see what street I am on. If I reduced my speed, the map would not zoom back in until I came to a full stop.
Bob commented
I agree! It's very annoying when the road you're currently traveling is not even visible (for roads labeled as "streets"). No matter what the zoom level the client is on, the road you are currently driving (and perhaps those roads in your immediate vicinity) should always be visible.
As an area manager, I also received several complaints from users, reporting "road is not visible". Users often think this means that the road doesn't exist in the database.
Muchski commented
When zoomed out to such a level that you can see the whole city you should at the very least still be able to view primary streets and if possible plain old streets, similar to what zooming out does in google maps. Highways appear too thick, so small tweaks to weight of roads and visibility at zoom levels will make the client and livemap look nicer.
Interestingly in livemap, it looks beautiful except yellow colour and thickness of primary streets is lost and they look like regular old streets? Consistency between livemap, client, and even cartouche will make ui more pleasant. :)