Please, up grade Waze for WP7, I and other people must use WP7 on Business net system
Please, up grade Waze for WP7, I and other people must use WP7 on Business net system
Richard Pergler commented
Would be a very useful app for wp7! And maybe wp/ would be very useful for the waze community!!!
Richard Pergler commented
AFAIK there is no navigation software until now runnung on wp7. I think this is a great opportunity for the waze community to mark an interesting claim. Please, I would be glad if I could go waze on wp7! Thank you!!!
Lance Grodini commented
Need it!!!
Lance Grodini commented
I would appreciate such an version, too! WP7 should be taken as a great chance!!!
jm commented
A wp7 version would be appreciated. Thanks
Fennina commented
That's texaxtly my thought! Please develop!!!
Fennina commented
We would go waze - if we could! Our new corporate mobile system is wp7, and I have to follow with my private mobile. Like my colleagues...
If waze would be clever they would develope a client very short term - there is no navigation system umtil now for wp7. So this would be a great opportunity ...
wolf commented
Necessary! Do not exclude us Winnies! Please develope soon!!!
Rw commented
Well, windows with waze would work wonderful!
jb2308 commented
Please support Waze on WP7! Tx!
salterio commented
Please do not ignore us!
Jeff Daly commented
Yes please!!! I'm WAITING and WAITING for this!!
Harrewarre commented
I haven't upgraded yet, but I am going to as soon as my contract allows me to get a new phone :-) Being able to take Waze with me to my new phone would be awesome.
nakediguana commented
i love waze but have to swiych to wp7. Please make a Windows Phone 7 version of Waze.
stephen commented
Ze'ev commented
The one thing missing from a perfect WP7 device!
Sean commented
+1 Please!
Dave commented
This would be awsome! Please make an app!!!
mentor cana commented
That would be so cool!
offbeatmammal commented
given that neither Bing nor Google have a turn-by-turn navigation product available yet this could be a chance to really get some traction on a great new platform...