Commuter vs Traveler option
I love Waze but I wish toggle between travel mode and commuter mode.
I will put Waze on and just start driving and if I don't look at it I will not know that the road has two hours of traffic on it and if it tells me to go a different way I'm really not paying attention to it like that. I'm not using it as guidance as much as I am to alert me that my normal route there is traffic etc. when I plug in my home it will send me some crazy ways (no pun intended) that I am not necessarily going to go.
Sometimes it directs me to go to certain way that is only a few minutes shy of the actual route because of traffic and that's not really helpful.
I love the app I just wish there was different ways of using it… I guess one addition you can do is in the routes choice there could always be one that is the normal route. This is the route that you will always go if given the opportunity. But if there's traffic I would like to be able to compare that to the other routes and say oh I'll make a choice to go this one or that one.
Anyway I hope this is helpful I only want to make a good app even better.