max parking height
At work we can choose between a VW Caddy (height 1,89m) and a BMW 316 (lower :P ).
Today only the BMW was available, so we took that one.
At Brussels I drove into a parking, close to our destination thanks to waze.
The parking is very low, the max. height is 1,75m. Luckily we were there with the bmw and not the Caddy.
It would be a nice feature if the max. height would be announced of parking space.

Menetrey commented
Bonjour je suggère de pouvoir renseigner la hauteur limite des parkings souterrains..... quand on choisit un parking proche d'un lieu où l'on souhaite aller, de pouvoir s'assurer que le véhicule est bien adapté au parking en question
Justin commented
This would be ideal. Add the hight restriction in the 'more info' tab of Waze editor and allow users to add their vehicle height in the app the same way you select the fuel type. This way users can select to exclude parking heights that are too short and if no parking height has been added then just tell the Waze user that it is unknown and may be too low.
Carlos Gómez commented
Tunnels and overpasses also need this feature
Tilghman Lesher commented
It would probably be necessary to record vehicle height in the app, which could be used as an additional parameter to determine which Parking Lots would be accessible.