Hide bottom toolbar on iPhone
The toolbar on the bottom (drive to, report etc.) should be hidden when in navigation mode to help use up the entire iPhone screen. On screen tap the toolbar can pop back up to access these tools. I just don't think the iPhone screen is large enough to keep that toolbar there at all times. Maybe a setting could enable this auto-hide feature while some people may like it to be shown all the time.

Yanko commented
Can we somehow generalize this into "add option to hide all search result lists, panels, indicators, notifications, etc."? And also do this for all phones - having a big screen still doesn't mean it's a good idea to hide 1/3 of the screen. It's a map app, I use it overwhelmingly to look at a map, hidingbig portions of it is mostly unwanted.
sejtam commented
I am using Was on my Galaxy Note 9 in a dual app display. Waze and either a weather or a bike diagnostic tool. So only half the screen is usable. Recently the Waze app has started showing TWO useless limes (One showing just a 'My Waze' button and the volume button and the search input field). Once a destination is actually selected there is only a single smaller line at the bottom which is fine, but often i don't need navigation but just to see traffic levels, hazards etc. I would like to suggest that an option be added to hide these until they are needed as they take about 45% of the screen space left.