Avoid Dangerous Areas
Please add a new option under Navigation settings or Maps views called Avoid Dangerous Areas.
This option should allow the map's builders to mark this areas that could be dangerous for the drivers. Sometimes the best road is not the faster if not the more safely....
Then if the option is active avoid this areas.
Great news! Ther feature about avoiding dangerous areas is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Eric commented
I don't see the option
Michele Sassano commented
I am in Sao Paolo currently, and I have the latest version of Waze on my phone. I cannot find this option in my Waze. Could you please help?
Humberto De León commented
Recientemente Waze me sugirió una ruta de viaje de un solo carril, llena de curvas y muy peligrosa por la sierra, aunque en distancia era mas corta hubiera preferido una ruta alternativa con autopista aunque fuera con peaje, ojala pudiera alertar sobre esto.......o dar alternativas
Allan Clark commented
If you actually need the road fixed ("no left turn"), go to Waze.com, create an account, and flag the issue for review; or, take the turn once yourself, then flag the directions as being incorrect.
Allan Clark commented
you could personally flag that road as dangerous, or routinely place hazard markers on it, or post that the speed is reduced to 5mph. That would cause the routing algorithm to unprefer that road. Alternatively, see if you can edit the road to be broken in the middle or local-only.
Miriam commented
You are sending traffic down Old Priest Grade off Hwy 120. You are sending RV's, drunks, teens, the elderly down the steepest road in California, no side rails. Incredibly dangerous. Not only that, but to make that left turn heading east, there is no turn lane and you are directing traffic across the highway on a curve.
Anonymous commented
See above
Anonymous commented
Waze should let users mark intersections where heavy traffic makes turning left or going through it as Waze directs hazardous or impossible. A turn that makes sense off peak may cause an accident if attempted at rush hour. Conversely, crossing a busy boulevard with six lanes of traffic at an uncontrolled intersection at rush hour may be possible, but only if one waits ten minutes
Barry Fitzgerald commented
We live in an area with very dangerous roads that are single lane mostly. Passing in the opposite direction is usually negotiated with a cliff next to you. It is the ONLY way in or out for emergency vehicles. Today we had endless stopped traffic from teh beach. There are at least two places with active slides that could close the road for months.
Mônica Vieira commented
Sugiro que em conjunto com orgãos de trânsito e segurança, seja criado uma forma a se evitar zonas perigosas, como já existem para pedágios e ruas sem pavimentação.