Access to view live traffic cameras where available publicly on the internet like around Pittsburgh, PA..
In many cities there are traffic cameras posted on major routes. These are available over the internet and mobile phones so drivers can see live feeds. It would be great if Waze showed those along routes or on the maps so drivers can quickly view current conditions.
We should also be able to add these to the maps through the editor and link to the published URLs of the cameras.

[Deleted User] commented
Traffic Camera Community
Among the various Waze communities, there is one for governments and operators that maintain beacons.
I would like to suggest a similar partner program to support a community of user-maintained traffic cameras.
Waze users can be encouraged to install cameras in strategic segments, so they can monitor in real time special conditions that affect or block traffic, such as construction works, natural disasters, sporting events. The preference would be to install it on building balconies, using the internet and the users' own electricity.
More involved editors could even earn cameras as a reward and recognition.
Governments, companies and others could also voluntarily make images available to the network.
Videos would be viewable on the livemap, and also used for quick map updates.
Although Waze cannot build this infrastructure on its own, it is quite viable to partner with a video aggregator service (like YouTube, perhaps).
It may seem like a very unrealistic proposal, but it is not impossible, and it would certainly be an innovation that would make updating maps much easier.
Bob Reed commented
Traffic cameras can be displayed to add context for other data like traffic, weather, incidents, events, etc. TrafficLand operates a global traffic camera network that can be integrated with Waze through an API.
Miles Thomas commented
Parts of the UK have publicly available traffic camera feeds (image snapshots not live moving, although broadcasters can get a live moving feed). E.g. Traffic England Website, TFL.
Drew commented
I saw another app like waze that has this. It would be nice to have on waze also.
Steve commented
i would also like this. except in NY.