Heads up Display (HUD)
make an heads up display icon so that the user can place it on their dash and the reflection will show up on the windshield.. for night time driving whee it is safer to stare closer to the road versus looking down...other apps use this idea but they dont have the GPS ability..it will set waze apart from all other GPS systems..and make it look extra cool!
danypras commented
HUD mode please
Radu commented
Driving with Waze sould be safe. Please implement HUD.
Anonymous commented
Please add Please
Mimi commented
Great, عالیه
Mc commented
Yes Please offer an update for HUD display
Anonymous commented
Hud please
Hud please
Hud please -
Anonymous commented
I'm old school and still have a newer 6" Garmin GPS, but most times it's quicker to start up Waze. I often use both Waze and my Garmin though.
However - I'd give up the GPS in a heart beat if Waze had an HUD option, especially for a HUD manufacturer that used my windshield.
I would DEFINITELY consider an in-app-purchase for HUD mode, even for the simple coding to just reverse the image!
Anonymous commented
HUD please,
HUD please,
HUD please,
HUD please, -
Alexis Morales commented
HUD mode i want please !!
Anonymous commented
Really?? “Come on Man”!!! Really?!?!?!? You don’t have a HUD mode!! Really?!??
Jechonias Sushant commented
Please include an option choose HUD mode on Waze. This will make it easier for people to view and encourage people to use your app more. Thank You.
Anonymous commented
Such a good idea a HUD mode...
Anonymous commented
HUD please!
Anonymous commented
Another for HUD display please
Froppo commented
I agree. Waze would be a perfect app to have HUD capability.
Anonymous commented
Bonjour support,
Depuis un moment, j'attends un mode HUD afin de pouvoir mettre mon téléphone sur mon tableau de bord et e tre guidé par le reflet du pare-brise. En ses nuits ou le crépuscule nous fauche de plus en plus tôt et ou le levé du soleil à des air de grâce mat' : cela me semble le bon moment pour une nouvelle addiction...non ?
Une autre fonction, quotidienne et cumulable avec celle pré-sentée : une désactivation totale ou partielle de l'écran (affichage ou/et rétroéclairage) durant les longs moments où il ne se passe rien...avec une réactivation automatique pour signaler un danger ou une direction : pensez-vous que cette option naîtra ? (Et que nos batteries ne fondront plus comme neige au soleil...chacun sait que c'est l'écran qui pompe le plus !)
Et puis également, le top du top serait de pouvoir sélectionner son gabarit (HxlxL) nombre d'essieu, remorque et autres contraintes...sur la route. (moto, voiture (et avec caravane), camping-car (et avec remorque) et camion avec ou sans remorque)
Merci car Waze partage mon quotidien depuis le début...et je fais 50mkm/an, donc c'est tous les jours et même plusieurs fois par semaine durant la quasi totalité de ma journée
Will commented
Not if you buy one of those cheap HUD stands.its like $10 and works well even during day time
Chris commented
I have a hudly HUD in my vehicle and I use it with Waze and I love it as it is an awesome combination! However the issue I have with it is that they don't have a color scheme that is transparent enough to use with the HUD. Problem is the map's background color is projected by the projector onto the glass, so you cannot see through it. (Making it equivalent to just physically having my phone suspended above my dash making it so I cannot see) I wish they could make it so the map's background color wouldn't be displayed and instead only the roads and road warnings would be displayed. This way I could see through the HUD still. I know this is not impossible as there are other apps which do this.
One other suggestion. Can you please add a setting that would lock the iPhone in different views? (User definable for either landscape or portrait) It's annoying that every time I move my phone that it flips over to portrait even though I want it to be in land scape. This is important because the HUD mirrors my phone and it is setup for landscape projection so every time I move it and it flips into portrait the image becomes so small I can not read it. May not sound like that big a inconvenience however please trust me when I say it really is!
That all put aside, thank you for an awesome app in general!
Martin Straus commented
Waze needs an HUD mode -
Anonymous commented
HUD would be cool