import addresses
While I have an Android phone, I think that this may be of general usage.
I'd like to see an import/export capability, perhaps to Dropbox, etc.
I have had to reinstall Waze, and I lost my addresses, so it would have been nice to be able to simply import the book back. Also, my wife and I have many addresses in common, so it would have been nice to not have to enter them both.
William commented
Alternate suggestion: The Ability to download all entered/saved addresses from one Waze account and upload to add to the addresses of another Waze account.
Erick commented
I'll be nice to be able to impact fovorites from othem GPS apps (like Tomtom or Sygic). Thanks
Ayelet commented
Importing addresses is very important. i would have been happy if the addresses would enter my favorites with a the name saved automatically.