Display current location GPS Coordinates and share them with friends
when it comes to navigation gps coordinates play an important role as it pin points the location you want other's to know if all else fails, like street names and landmark. Everything will change but not gps coordinates
Krystal-Jade Spiteri commented
Krystal-Jade Spiteri commented
The ability to create a group in Waze with family and friends, where your location is always present. Google makes it difficult. My parents are not all that tech savvy and today my Dad was in a serious accident and it took us hours to find him. This needs to happen. Waze, pull out your finger. This does NOT need votes. In order to be in a group you can invite but the other party has to accept, so it is not a breach of privacy. At least add this option for those who need it and maybe the ability to write comments I.e like when a member shares an accident.
J224Go commented
This is a great suggestion but contrained by the tiny limit on the number of favorites a user can have. There are votes spread out across hundreds of separate requests to remove the 99 limit on the number of favorites. Everyone: Please also vote to remove the 99 Fav limit here: https://waze.uservoice.com/forums/59223-waze-suggestion-box/suggestions/3910753-make-favorites-list-unlimited-and-allow-sharing-of
Aft commented
Bonjour, j’utilise Waze fréquemment et je suis toujours embêté pour avoir mes coordonnées GPS (longitude et latitude). Car souvent je dois donner ces coordonnées à des amis pour qu’ils viennent soit me rejoindre soit pour qu’ils viennent voir (un point de vue, une œuvre ou un château).
Mais par Waze je ne peux pas leur transmettre ces coordonnées GPS.
Donc lorsque je dois le faire j’utilise une autre application ce qui me fait être moins utilisateur de waze.
Donc pourquoi waze n’affiche pas ces coordonnées de point de départ ou d’arrivée?
Merci -
John Lomonaco commented
Many times in the use of my auto GPS I find way points (favorites) via Garmin Base Camp and Google Earth. These way points are somewhat rural ie. off the typical primary/secondary roads. Then I use the way point to set up a route which I export in .GPX format. The auto GPS is finally giving up the ghost and I am trying to migrate to using Waze in its place. It would sure be nice to be able to import and export favorites from your application as a group or individually in this format.
BTW I noticed that Waze has a way to set a favorite from a LON/LAT for this to be helpful it would be nice to know what Datum the coordinates are referenced to. I have not found any information in your Help. I could assume that it is WGS84 as most GPSs use this. If someone is watching this forum can you tell me the answer to this question?
Luis Vásquez Rugama commented
Saludos a todos. La idea que se me ocurrió por cuestiones de practicidad en mi campo laboral y tambien le servirá a otros es:
1. que Waze tenga la capacidad de cargar lugares desde un archivo GPX que generalmente se usan para navegadores, y al cargarlos( los sitios en archivo points), que waze los pueda guardar (latitud, longitud, y su nombre ) automaticamente en la carpeta favoritos de waze y así poder llegar al lugar que quieras desde estos archivos.
Claro, también podría haber opciones para actualizar luagres desde el archivo Gpx, pero en términos generales, sería muy práctico. Sobre todo si manejan QGIS y necesitas localizar los lugares que no conoces, pero tienes la cartografía, guardas los puntos que te interesan, los exportas a gpx, y si Waze toma en cuenta esta idea, los cargas en Waze y puedes llegar a los lugares que no conoces desde este archivo. GenialGracias
Anonymous commented
I am a user of papago cannot get use to waze without coordinates
Anonymous commented
האם ניתן לראות נקודות ציון על המפה ?
מציע אפשרות לראות נקודות ציון. -
Anonymous commented
אני יודע שיש אפשרות לשתף מיקום, אבל לפעמים אני צריך את נקודת הציון (קו-אורך, קו-רוחב)
היום אני משתמש באפליקציה נוספת כדי לשתף נ"צ, אבל למה לא להוסיף אפשרות מובנית לתוך WAZE?
זה יכול לשמש עורכי מפות וכן זה יכול לשתף מיקום לאנשים, שאינם נוהגים ואין להם WAZE. -
Igor Velkov commented
Currently waze keeps all points and favorites inside. There impossible to send location, point on map, or favorited poi into any other map or nav nav program, or take geographic coordinates.
It's not good to be so uncooperative for community-driven service.
Waze should share points not only via waze urls, but via geo: coordinates too, and allow (via some kind of advanced properties) to see and copy to clipboard geo coordinates.
Not bad idea to allow export and import poi from bookmark and history as GPX and KMZ files - to interact with other programs.
Please, release user data from vendor-lock.
Joe commented
This is exactly what I am looking for. How, in Waze, do Iget the Global Coordinates of my present location?
Andre commented
I'm surprised that you can't see GPS coordinates on a GPS app.