Make it easier for nonusers to point out mistakes
I don't use Waze but I just want to help your users. I found out it's almost impossible to give Waze the correct info. I couldn't even sign up.
Some GPS services have it right, some have it wrong. I don't know which situation you are in.
The intersection of Village Dr. and Tarpon Dr. in Tarpon Springs, FL is blocked off with a permanent blockade.
The only way in to Village Dr. is to turn north from Meres Blvd. My wife needed an ambulance yesterday and they tried to come in from Tarpon Dr but were blocked by a locked gate that can't be opened.
Can somebody pass this on to whoever does the maps.
Thank you
M.Oliveira commented
Em meu bairro por exemplo,os motoristas de App ficam totalmente perdidos devido a grande quantidade de ruas fechadas. O aplicativo nao reconhce as ruas bloqueadas...
Já tentei sinalizar no próprio APP, mas não obtive sucesso por muito tempo. Vcs deveriam abilitar uma função onde motoristas moradores ou "nao" ,possam marcar essas ruas, assim colaborando com o trabalho dos bravos motoristas.