Navigate shortest route
With the new update you all took away the option to search by shortest route available or Fastest route available. Please bring this function back.

Mykhailo Zamozdra commented
I propose to leave only one alternate (shortest) route, other than the main (fastest) route, which would not count the statistics on the segments.
Rostislav Zboril commented
Yes for electric car. Pleas ADD function.
Greg Hassler commented
I don't understand why you would remove basic routing functionality. As an electric vehicle driver I very much prefer a shorter route in general. I got bit again today by the lack of this functionality when Waze took me on a route at least 10 miles longer on the highway, which ended up having an accident and traffic jam anyway, so it was longer AND slower. It required me to unnecessarily charge longer to make my destination.
When the "Electric" vehicle type option is selected, please prefer shorter routes as any small change in travel time is more than made up with faster charging time.
Tommy commented
My route to work can be either 15 miles, 23 miles or 26 miles. Waze only shows me the two longer ones instead of the usual three, even though the shortest route is only a minute longer than the 23 mile route and usually 3-4 minutes faster than the 26 mile trip. Give me the option to select the shortest route.
Nico commented
Because Waze chose the fastest route my EV car needs to charge to reach the endpoint. This costs me a lot more time then the saved minutes due to traffic on the much shorter route. Please bring back shortest route option.
Anonymous commented
Please better than nothing..
P. Dass commented
Please return the option of choosing the shortest and/ or fastest route which is ideal for navigation!
Many thanks! -
Anonymous commented
Please bring the shortest route option back!
Anonymous commented
Bring it back
David commented
Bring it back. Now the navigator is not as good as before.
Anonymous commented
Bring it back
David commented
As a cab driver I charge for distance travelled only. Shortest route is cheaper for passengers
Paukukalu Wailuku commented
Bring it back, it's ridicoulous...Waze sent me outside Manila, around Velenzuela, just to go to Zabarte Fairview...That's insane and a waste of time and gas...I rather be stuck in traffic than going through unknown back alleys.
Michael Metsfan commented
Bring it back !!! Waze is now showing to take me an additional 10 minutes to get to the local parkway... what is wrong with all you developers and staff screwing with a system that already works??
Michael commented
Definitely need this option back. Waze routed me to turn right and then go down half a mile do a u-turn and then make another right.
Knowing the roads around me, I went straight which cut off a mile of driving. Maybe during rush hour and if I were wanting to be super aggressive, I would have followed the route waze chose for me.
The routing lately has been awful. Not sure how they changed their algorithms but I'm considering going back to google maps or even the improved Apple Maps. Both have been working better than Waze lately.
Anonymous commented
Electric cars often want to go shortest route.
Bonnie commented
I want the shortest route,it always gives me the longest, very annoying
User Yeg commented
Yes! Please bring it back
Anonymous commented
When you guys in Waze see someone is commenting in this topic you should get how important Shortest/fastest option has been for us. Waze is not still so smart to choose the best routs regarding to users needs.
So please let us have this option again ASAP. -
Anonymous commented
so sad when this feature left. Now it seems to give me the faster time, but when the fastest time only saves me 3-6mins but make me go 4-8 mile extra.....thats more MPG just to save 3-6mins.