No highway override [Android Auto Projection Mode]
I have a 2016 Yukon and using Waze as primary nav in projection mode. While I'm aware there is an "avoid highways" option in the settings, however, it requires the unplugging of phone from car, set option as needed, plug back in and proceed etc etc.
Is there an audio voice prompt when setting a new route search like:
123 yourstreet here, city, state "no highway" option that can override the apps current setting?
I ask because I work in Rhode Island and work in Massachusetts (northern) so turning "on" avoid highways is not practical to my daily commute. However, when I take my wife to work on certain days, it keeps trying to reroute me to the nearest highway and we have a very direct non highway version we like to drive, so I'd like to just say "here work address >> NO HIGHWAY" for this route only and maybe only this time while leaving the default setting where it is for future routes that would require normal highway travel.
It seems to me there should be an audio option to override the navigation parameters for a specific single route event, but I can't seem to find anything or anyone who talks about these edge case routing events.
Any thoughts or I'm I expecting something unreasonable?