Waze widget
Today for the firsrt time i installed the waze widget. I liked but it seemed very simple. I think that the ETA shown was if I took TOLL roads bit when I touched "Drive" it took me to the non-TOLL road (which was the one I wanted but then the ETA was much longer) So I had one Idea but I need to show it. How can attach a picture to this post? But in other words it would nice to have the ETAs for TOLL roads and non-TOLL roads. Let me know if i can send a picture. I have "modified" the original one from the widget to illustrate what I would like to see.

Kevin commented
Have to agree. Seems like an obvious problem with a simple fix, but it seems like they aren't listening.
Fabrizio S commented
Introdurre la possibilità di escludere il pedaggio a tempo (vignetta in vigore in alcuni paesi) e scegliere comunque il pedaggio a percorrenza (come per le autostrade italiane).