Michael F. commented
Waze is destroying quiet neighboring that have become victims of Waze algorithms that route drivers through otherwise quiet neighborhoods when the routes create a shortcut for app users. We literally want to sell our home due to the thousands and thousands of vehicles that now use our previously quiet street. Does Waze care enough to propose a solution?
Jody Himebaugh commented
With the onset of technology and GPS guided directions, it is quite apparent there is grave concern for the safety of home owners on once quiet and less traveled residential roads.
The number 1 and redundant (and justified, I might add!) complaint is drivers are being directed into populated neighborhoods causing a significant increase in potential risk of accidents.
In my case, for example, I live on a narrow, twisting dirt/gravel road with countless potholes, and no sidewalks for pedestrians or room for folks on horseback.
WAZE sends drivers onto this road because it seems, or appears to be a shortcut between Point A and Point B. In reality, with all things considered, it is not!
It is actually shocking to see 40 foot motorhomes, long campers, and huge fifth wheel RVs traverse the road. It’s a wonder they actually reach their destination without incident!
Okay. So the complaints are real and of grave concern. However, the big question is how do we residents across the country go about convincing WAZE Corporate to change the app so it doesn’t endanger people in the path of misguided drivers?
Johan commented
For example in Leuven (Belgium) there are streets where you can only drive through when you are living there and have a permit. If someone else drives in the street you get a bill. (controled by cameras) Waze should avoid these streets.
Anonymous commented
City of Tampa shares closures with Waze. Obviously if a destination is within a neighborhood, that's one thing; but if the normal route (now under construction) is at the edge of a neighborhood, Wazers might be taken through the neighborhood. How about a way to indicate a small area (a rectangular region) not to route through?
Renata Ribeiro commented
O endereço: Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 1100 - Leblon / Rio de Janeiro / Brasil, CEP 22440-035, trabalha com a empresa GEPARK estacionamento, porém somos um Condominio privativo, não trabalhamos com estacionamento rotativo.
Favor excluir a opção de estacionamento do aplicativo no endereço sitado. -
מזל דוברצקי commented
לכל המבקרים באיטליה
קיימים כבישים המיועדים למקומייים בלבד
כל כניסה של תייר לכביש הנ"ל גורמת לקנס מיותר
האם לא ניתן לפתח קישור למפת הכבישים הנ"ל ולבצע התראה לנהג?