Add option to Avoid Tunnels
For various reasons drivers may wish to avoid tunnels when navigating. This should be an option along side with Avoid Highways and Avoid Toll Roads.
Anonymous commented
Please add feature to avoid tall bridges and tunnels
ayali commented
שלום שלום,
בתור אחת שסובלת מקלסטרופוביה (פחד ממקומות סגורים) כניסה למנהרות, במיוחד ארוכות, היא בלתי אפשרית עבורי.
מן הסתם זה הופך כל נסיעה למקום לא מוכר למקור מתח מטורף.
בטוחה שאינני היחידה
אם תכניסו מסלול עוקף מנהרות זו תהיה עבורי ברכה גדולה
מורד איילי
0507904904 -
Nayarí DL commented
Por favor, poner una manera de poder seleccionar "evitar túneles" igual que evitar peajes etc, los claustrofobicos os lo agradeceremos!!
jjm300 commented
need to avoid due to LP tank
Eileen Villano commented
Also need a way to avoid parkways
Pierre Bisson commented
Yes! absolutely!!! No for phobia at all, but Wher I live it's a legal issue for RV ers when transporting a certain amount of propane or gasoline, or a certain quantity of containers, filled or not.
Anonymous commented
Definitely need a feature to avoid tunnels. Very claustrophobic
Julien Sibille commented
Excellent idea, my wife is claustrophobic and it's always hard to find the right way to avoid tunnels.
Bruno Bugnazet commented
Er bestaan naar mijn weten geen navigatie met de optie tunnels mijden of route zonder tunnels, misschien is het een optie om dit in jullie navigatiesysteem te integreren!
Anonymous commented
Great idea!! I would definitely use that feature. Fine for taking propane through tunnels is steep. Joe
Rakefet commented
Anonymous commented
שלום רב, מהקשת שתהיה אפשרות להפריד כבישי אגרה ממנהרות.
Anonymous commented
Would be helpful for those driving RV
Rich commented
WAZE: Please do not route me to a Chicago destination using Lower Wacker Drive, Lower Columbus Drive, Lower Stetson, Lower Randolph Street or any other "Lower" route. I can't find my way around, it's dark, the street-signs are missing or poorly lit, etc. It's miserable. I needed to get to an address on Upper Wacker Drive and I couldn't get there once I was routed to the lower levels of these double-decker streets in Chicago. How can I change the routing so that I stay in the daylight?!
Corts commented
Would be good to suggest alternative route to avoid tunnels especially now that Rotheride tunnel is cars only
Anonymous commented
Waze needs a feature to avoid tunnels for sure!
Anonymous commented
WAZE would be the ONLY! GPS to provide this service. I’ve been waiting for years. RV drivers and claustrophobic will be estatic. Don’t sleep on this...
Anonymous commented
I would find this useful. I drive a motorhome with propane tank. Cannot use Baltimore tunnels and navigation always sends me to them.
Jen Balzano commented
As someone who is claustrophobic and frequently drives in and around NYC this would be amazing
Tommy commented
Please add an option to avoid bridges and tunnels that have tolls. Currently you can only select to avoid toll roads. This would be great to have in NYC.