Sorry to upset all of the folks asking for more features to warn of police presence but this is a childish feature which should be removed. Waze is a great app and you would be best served by taking the "high road" and promoting the app as an aid to road safety by making drivers aware of road situations and hazards. But many wazers like me have their kids also driving and I am just waiting with dread for the day that a fellow wazer tells a drunken driver how to avoid a policeman and then that drunk driver kills the wazer's kid. The police are mainly there for our safety - protect our kids and don't tell dangerous drivers where the police are!!

Marta Cruz commented
Creo que NO debería existir el aviso de policía, esta siempre está por algún motivo bueno para la gente que no tiene nada que ocultar, no ha hecho nada. Con los avisos, sólo se ayuda a gente que escapa de la justicia a evitarles
Adi Istrate commented
Waze,nu mai arătați pozitia echipajelor de politie,multi care nu ar avea ce sa caute la volan se folosesc de aplicația dvs sa evite filtrele rutiere,sunteti AUTORI MORALI ai accidentelor rutiere facute de soferi băuți/drogați sau care nu au deloc permise de conducere, chiar nu reușiți sa înțelegeți asta???Sau chiar dacă nu ajung sa facă accidente,multi care *** ziceam nu ar avea ce cauta în trafic au tupeu și datorită vouă pentru ca văd poziția echipajelor de poliție.Chiar nu este normal lucrul ăsta,practic prin ce faceți ne puneți pe noi toți ceilalți in pericol.
Gerrit Wesseling commented
Without the police alert, I would just use Apple Maps.
TW commented
Extreme speeders are making our highways increasingly dangerous, and while they are a minority of drivers, statistics show they are the cause of increasingly more accidents on our highways. I don’t think you should reward points anymore for alerting to the presence of police. I’m okay with a more generic choice of emergency vehicles especially since many states have move over laws for emergency/flashing lights vehicles.
I intend to stop reporting police on Waze in the hopes law enforcement will be able to make our roads safer by catching
those extreme speeders. -
Samuel Jones commented
The other hazard alerts are amazing and are helpful to know when to look out for something but People should just drive safely all the time not just when police are around. It is giving people false confidence to drive recklessly and speed faster knowing that they will be alerted to when police is ahead.
Someone going 150 in a 80 zone slowed down to 70 just before a police alert and then sped up to 150 again after.
Mark commented
I live in London and use Waze every day. I notice that every police vehicle or person is marked on the map by other users very swiftly. It strikes me that this is not a kind gesture from one motorist to another, more the efforts of the criminal fraternity to evade capture or suspicion. The whole business makes me uneasy. Living in a city with a high crime rate most law abiding folk want the police not to be undermined in their efforts to keep us safe from uninsured road users and the scourge of drug dealing etc. I suggest you turn this feature off for dense urban areas with a high crime rate.
Legend ! commented
Idc about anything else…
besides, my money being flushed down the toilet, thanks to an unrighteous, cop, speed camera, reason. -
Anonymous commented
Remove the notification that tells you when a police car is near. The purpose of the police is to make sure people are safe and not speeding, however by notifying drivers you are helping them evade and avoid the police.
Anonymous commented
Talk to me when the cops start GETTING THE DANGEROUS DRIVERS OFF THE ROAD, rather than just handing out tickets for speeding and seat belts to make easy money to further pad the municipal coffers. I recently had to avoid a head-on collision with a driver ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD, so I pulled over and saw a cop at the intersection behind me. I thought "Great! Justice will be served!" Instead, when the bad driver reached the intersection, he CONTINUED DRIVING THROUGH A RED LIGHT, and traffic coming from the side streets had to brake hard to also avoid him. He then swerved to the correct side of the road, ALL OF THIS HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF A COP WHO DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but just allowed the bad driver to continue on his way. And this is NOT an infrequent occurrence! In the past year, I've seen more people going the WRONG WAY AROUND ROUNDABOUTS than I have ever imagined in my life. Until real action is taken, I will have ZERO TOLERANCE for any cop hanging out in a speed trap.
Bruno Antunes commented
I agree with Nick's comment. I'm from Portugal, and the cops are more concern about ticketing as well.
Petr commented
Dear Waze developers, please remove a police officer icon (enough for a few months) from your app. I come from the Czech Republic where a number of COVID19 cases have been increasing significantly. Our government closed the districts to reduce the movement of people and their social contacts. The district borders are guarded by the police who checks the people crossing the district border. A lot of drivers use your app and share police position to escape/avoid checks and potentially spread the virus across the country. I am afraid the police icon helps them to spread virus. Please help to stop the virus. Thank you
German commented
Dear sirs, if you indicate this, you may be helping to "bad" people to do or scape from police
Anonymous commented
Traffic cameras can help save lives and find criminal kidnapping, trafficking, terror and other attacks.
Reporting police locations aids the above criminal activity and puts pice lives at risk! -
Mr Blowaman commented
Stop showing Police activity in London. You are doing this illegally. The Police are there to protect the public from drivers driving illegally or illegitamtely (or in conduct of illegal vehicles) in the country.
Anonymous commented
Nos parece increíble que hayan desactivado la opción de notificación de policía en acuerdo con el gobierno criminal de Piñera
Cyril commented
Waze is supporting people driving too fast since Waze warns them that the police is watching them. This option is irresponsible since it increases the number of accidents, injuries and fatalities. Thus, I propose, since Waze knows the current speed and the current speed limit, to remove the display and warning of police or control zone when someone is driving really too fast on purpose (let's say more than 10km/h or something like that filtered 10 seconds over the past 3 minutes or more than 20km/h over the past 30 seconds). I think it would be a good way to help the police stopping really dangerous drivers.
Anonymous commented
Of course not!!
Gaspard commented
Français: Enlevez le signalement de la police, les gens se plaignent que les routes ne sont pas sûres et qu'ils y a des morts, mais vous encouragez les fous du volants et les prévenant que la police est a proximité, vous permettez aussi aux criminels d'éviter les contrôles, aux voleurs, au violeurs, a ceux qui roulent sans permis.
Réfléchissez, arrêtez de signaler la police et que Waze retire cette option, c'est honteux.English:Remove the police report, people complain that the roads are not safe and that there are deaths, but you encourage the crazy driving and warning them that the police are nearby, you also allow criminals to '' avoid controls, thieves, rapists, those who drive without a license.
Think about it, stop reporting the police and Waze is removing this option, it's shameful. -
Anonymous commented
Depuis de nombreuses années, j'utilise votre application en France et depuis la pandémie du coronavirus, vous avez supprimé la localisation des forces de police en France sans doute contraint par les pouvoirs publiques, je vous informe que votre application n'a pas plus aucun intérêt en France, je vais utiliser google maps car pas de pub! En espérant que votre direction trouve la parade juridique pour contourner cette excès de pouvoir d'une république a bout de souffle
Rahman commented
OP sounds like the guy who thinks that just because he doesn't get into accidents that makes him a good driver. People like this always talk about how everybody else is such a bad driver- but never realize that other people drive "recklessly" because they have to get around your slow ass. Probably an old dude who can't judge distance or interpolate speed of an oncoming car- he will sit at a stop sign for minutes while missing dozens of opportunities he could have pulled out into traffic. Finally the guy behind him gets fed up and simply goes around him- to which he honks and yells at the "crazy driver" who cut in front of him.
Anyone who intentionally drives under the posted speed at all times simply because "safety" is probably one of these drivers. Someone who can't use logic to tell themselves that there is a difference between driving on a busy road at 5pm and the same road at 2am when it is deserted, and that the volume of traffic should dictate the speed at which you drive, and not some sign, is probably one of these drivers.
Fortunately for the rest of us who use common sense to tell us how fast to drive we have waze to help us avoid getting tickets by police who have quotas to hit.