Report dangerous area or attemp assault, theft, etc.
The same way we can report the traffic, it would be interesting to get to report if you saw in front of you or you was was assaulted, robbed or threatened. This way other people can avoid the way, the cops can see where there are bad guys acting and so on. If you're nearby your cell also would play a sound like gun fire. :0).

Rocky Crittenden commented
Alerts in areas in the highway/interstate for scams and robberies. I experienced this yesterday on my way from France to Barcelona Spain in A7. Cruising along and a new Audi pulls along side honking and signaling me to pull over. He pulls in front of my with warning lights and has a piece of rubber demonstrating that it came off my rear tire and asking showing me that it came off my tire. Meanwhile the 2nd guy gets about of the car and goes to the drivers side of my and is grab I g for the bags.. my wife catches this and all **** breaks loose and they jump back into their car and haul ***.. only people who live in Europe are familiar with this MO.. I have never heard of it. I feel like a dumb a—. Live and learn!
MaryAnn commented
As crime seems to be growing everywhere, it would be wonderful to add a button to instantly report that a crime has just taken place. Perhaps 1 icon for violent crime/assault and one for non-violent crime such as theft. In a perfect world, users would have an option to turn on an alarm when these occur, and a record of these crimes could be kept for (maybe a month?) that could be downloaded. This would be tremendously helpful for citizens and merchants in high crime areas, on college campuses which are growing targets of crime, neighborhood safety watch, or for anyone concerned about staying safe. It would also help cities, universities, and communities have more insight into area crime patterns. I think this would get SIGNIFICANT usage and would be a wonderful public safety tool.
Danilo Mendes commented
Hello waze team! Hope everything is well with you guys!
I came up with an idea that I believe can help waze users, such as governments, organizations and ither institutions related to public safety / security and policy in the cities.
It would be nice if Waze could alert about crime and other dangers, such as flooding zones, for example, so users can be even more careful on their routes.
The operation would be like just like the actual ones, where the users can report the alerts by themselves. Unfortunatelly here in Brazil, especially in big cities, we have many cases of robberies (bags, wallets, cell phones, whatches, eletrnic devices, bicycles, motorcycles and cars), even kidnappings in the middle of traffic. We also have dangerous areas (flooding zones and fallen trees in wooded cities, for example), on summer rainy days.
Anyway, I believe that you can bring to light the truth about important indexes for the entire society and revolutionize not only traffic, but public safety issues.Thaks a lot for your attention!!!
Lauro Becker commented
No Brasil e também no mundo pessoas tem sido vítimas de crimes diversos, inclusive morte, por transitarem em locais dominados pela marginalidade. Os dados oficiais sobre a criminalidade são incompletos e não confiáveis, pois muitos crimes não comunicados em razão da burocracia policial. Mas, com certeza, muitos crimes seriam comunicados pelo WAZE, trazendo mais segurança aos usuários.
Vários tipos de crimes poderiam ser denunciados, tipo roubo/furto de veículo, assaltos a mão armada, zona de tráfico de drogas, zona de prostituição, estupros, roubo de bolsas/celulares, etc... -
Anonymous commented
Moped gang crime ...... easily spotted and they are untouchable by police as they escape quick! Add a button for moped gang linked direct to
Police ..... police get instant info almost tracking of them! These gangs are rife in my area and police can’t catch them so let us help the police by pushing a button on Waze -
Anonymous commented
Los avisos de policía sólo sirve para ayudar a los delincuentes. Si no quieres que te multen, cumple las normas de circulación.
¿Te gustaría que un conductor borracho, que lleva en el maletero a tu hija, se estrellase contra tí después de haber evitado un control policial?
Los que dan estos avisos son cómplices de los delincuentes y deberían ser acusados y juzgados como tal. -
Anonymous commented
Why not add a button to report crime in progress or suspicious activity? Odd that I can report a police but not a criminal!
Ana commented
Acredito que essa opção de registro geral por localidade poderá fomentar dados importantes para implantação e tomada de meditas estratégicas de maneira geral.
Como exemplo podemos citar o furto de veículos em determinados locais, assim onde várias pessoas registrando esse dado no mesmo local, poderá incentivar as entidades a tomarem providência quanto a segurança daquele local, o mesmo se vale para outros tipos de crimes.
Da mesma maneira podemos aplicar para situações positivas, como um elogio a determinados locais, podem incentivar as pessoas a irem conhecer aqueles locais.
Ou até mesmo o extravio de algum objeto ou animal em um determinado local, poderá facilitar a recuperação do mesmo por algum outro usuário que o tenha encontrado e queira devolver.. -
MICTMR commented
Incluir nos alertas de perigo lei seca, especificamente, e não polícia;
Incluir também o alerta de que é um trecho perigoso por motivo de crimes;
Poder incluir detalhes com gravação de voz em alertas. -
Enrique Ladino commented
English: I believe that it is necessary to create an alert that identifies thieves, vandals, indigents, peddlers, on the roads, in the same way that they are reported to the police, since they are situations or events in my country that seriously affect Mobility, Mainly in the capitals. Thanks for your attention.
Spanish: Considero que es necesario crear una alerta que identifique ladrones, vándalos, indigentes, vendedores ambulantes, que se hacen en las carreteras, de la misma manera que se denuncian a la policía, ya que son situaciones o eventos en mi país que afectan seriamente Movilidad, principalmente en las capitales.
Gracias por su atención. -
Tom Buchanan commented
Criminals are out in traffic driving to and from crime scenes with thousands of wazers. Murders, rapists, child abductors and terrorists. Why not have a waze APB feature to allow the police to push the descriptions to wazers? Wazers look around, spot the criminal then push a button to connect them to 911! Cops swarm in and apprehend the bad guys thanks to alert wazers. The way cops look for bad guys is extremely inefficient. Let's bring policing into the 21st Century with waze. I have the details for waze engineers to add this feature and start saving lives!
carlos commented
Derivado de la gran cantidad de asaltos a coches que hay en las Avenidas de la Cd. de México, creo seria bueno que estos asaltos se pudieran reportar en la aplicación y de alguna manera coadyuvar con las autoridades.
carlos commented
Derivado de la gran cantidad de asaltos a coches que hay en las Avenidas de la Cd. de México, creo seria bueno que estos asaltos se pudieran reportar en la aplicación y de alguna manera coadyuvar con las autoridades.
Anonymous commented
Criar um alerta simples com perguntas rápidas.
Por exemplo:
alertar sobre roubo: sim
quantos indivíduos: 2
Tipo de roubo: pedestre ou carro.
Caso quiser fazer mais encrementado, enviar alerta para polícias que usam Waze (esses polícias podem ter apenas algum mecanismo que recebam alertas sobre roubo próximo, estariam ajudando a população e o trabalho dos policiais). -
Anonymous commented
I live in Brazil, it would be interesting, we, the waze users, we reported based if there was theft of our vehicle parked on the site, so the waze in the notice if the area we left our car, have already been reported vehicle theft and the amount of theft reported
Anonymous commented
I would suggest the waze for users to insert alerts that there are robberies in the streets (Sao Paulo)
Marcos Vinícius Cruz Lima commented
HELP US / Ajude-nos
Vote and comment.
Votem e comentem.
Marcos Vinícius Cruz Lima commented
We need urgently to Waze give us the option to mark on the map the areas with the highest rates of assaults and murders. The application should take into account these data in time to plot a route.
Unfortunately many people in Brazil are losing their lives by a simple observation of failure on your route, causing them to go into slums and other dangerous places.
PS: used Google Translator
Estamos precisando urgentemente que o Waze nos dê a opção de marcar no mapa as áreas com maiores índices de assaltos e assassinatos. O aplicativo deve levar em conta esses dados na hora de traçar uma rota.
Infelizmente muitas pessoas aqui no Brasil estão perdendo a vida por uma simples falha de observação na sua rota, levando-os a entrar em favelas e outros lugares perigosos.
Ana commented
Criar um alerta com um ícone tipo "ladrão" ou "pirata", para alerta de assaltos a carros, motos e os temidos arrastões que acontecem com frequência no Rio. Quem vê ou passa pela experiência podeira postar tanto pelo celular, como pela página na web. É horrivel pensar nisso, mas é interessante dar um panorama de perigo se o wazer passar no local.
Claudio César Gonçalves commented
Poderia ser oferecido um módulo ANTI-CRIME, onde wazers diriam as ocorrências pelas quais passaram (incluir tipos de eventos/golpes), na hora, e os lugares delas. Seria mais atualizado que registos da polícia, porque as pessoas não gostam de fazer B.Os. Pode parecer um tanto tétrico, mas teríamos um conjunto de informações on time de lugares perigosos e tipos de eventos. As pessoas poderiam contornar esses lugares. Nenhum serviço da polícia seria tão efetivo no sentido de mapear perigos na cidade.
A inserção "nomes dos golpes" poderia passar por crivo do google, mas os que tivesses já "cadastrados" poderiam simplesmente aparecer na lista e contabillizar