Danger Alarm(Warn Dangerous Points in the Roads)
Hello . I live in Iran. Every year in our country, 30000 die in traffic accident and many injure. There are some places in our roads that frequently accidents happen in the places. One place that I know is the entrance of our city from highway that sometimes bad accidents happen in there. This is because of the inaccurate and inefficient design of the roads. Those who are familiar with the place mostly ride carefully in the dangerous part of the roads, and accidents often happen for those that are unfamiliar with the road.
I suggest that an alarm to be added to the app that warn the places. Like, "500m to dangerous point”. Or there can be used 3 alarms; “Low dangerous area”, “dangerous area” and “highly dangerous area”.
Now, people aware each other the locations of cameras or polices by the app. It can be for the dangerous areas also.
1) people suggest the dangerous points and the system consider the point that most is voted as dangerous points.
2) People can just click the dangerous point when they see an accident and gradually the system learns the dangerous points.
3) Or the system can obtain the information using the police documents.
Approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. The alarm can be helpful for other countries also.
Even one life is so important. I think the idea works.

Bogdan Luca commented
Hi. Similarly to the live traffic data, it would be very helpful to have access to heatmaps of accidents, police activity, dead animals on the road, etc, using historic data during route planning.
Eg: route is passing through forests or fields with animal activity. Conscious drivers will adapt their speed by themselves, but for the remaining 90% of the population, an alert of increased risk of dead animals on the road would help them pay more attention. Similarly, heatmaps of accidents could highlight dangerous intersections or road segments. And the police one is self explanatory. Heatmaps of police reports and mobile speed traps will have drivers instinctively slow down when entering such a zone.
Wazer commented
This feature has just been added, congratulations
אליה commented
תוסיפו אפשרות של חסימת כבישים/סכנה עקב התפרעויות של ערבים/זריקת בקתב/אבנים
זה מאוד חשוב לציבור הנהגים להמנע מלהגיע למסלולים מסוכנים בלייב כי עד שהמשטרה מעדכנת לוקח הרבה זמן -
Celia Ferreira do Espírito Santo commented
Na instrução de voz poderia informar que estamos em cruzamento de via perigos de estrada de mão dupla, que devemos ficar alerta ao cruzar a pista de alta velocidade. Pq o motorista novato de estrada não tem malícias de olhar em todas as direções e pode evitar que se provoque um acidente grave ao fazer o cruzamento
Por exemplo: "Estamos em cruzamento de pista perigosa. Atenção! Pare, olhe e prossiga. -
Jaqueline Neves Ribeiro commented
A POlícia Rodoviária Federal possui coordenadas dos trechos com maior índice de acidentes e óbitos., Um cruzamento com estes dados poderia, a partir de um raio desas lat/long, trazer a msg de "PRF informa, trecho com alto índice de acidentes. Dirija com atenção"
Henrique commented
Accidents occur more often at specific road sections and intersections. Since Waze receive accident warnings, two things could be done: alert Waze users that they are driving through a dangerous zone and make this information available to traffic authorities.