Philip DeFranco for Waze Voice
Request for Philip DeFranco to be one of the available voices for Voice Directions in the Waze Voice options.
Robert Nino commented
I don't even use Waze my friend has shown it to me and I was interested but never had a hook to try it. This, right here, is my hook.
Ben P commented
Please 🙌
Julian Kerr commented
ill actually use waze if this is a thing
Angelina commented
Yes please, directions I can trust. Lol.
Anonymous commented
The world needs this! (metric please!)
LT de Jager commented
This needs to be a thing, each route needs to begin with, "Let's just jump into it"
Michael commented
Please, for the love of all things good and true and... directional.. make this happen!
"let's just jump into it!"
Daniel Castro commented
Jaco Blignaut commented
Thats a amazing idea!
Anonymous commented
We need this. Also please make metric :D
Mark commented
I don't even know what Waze is... But if it's PHILLY D related.. Im in. Make it happen!
Travis Schiebel commented
Waze already allows you to record directions Locally in the App then share them via a Link... He could record them in studio on his phone and then link the directions out to us.
Michael Kitselaar commented
Please have the journey start message be "let's jump into it"
Travis Schiebel commented
Yes Please!!!
Hanna commented
I want Philip DeFranco to yell "DON'T BE STUPID, STUPID!" every time I don't follow the directions Waze gave me. (2)
Ian Fahrenholz commented
would become a waze user for philyd directions
Ryan commented
Yes. i'd buy a gps just to hear his soothing snarky voice yelling at me in traffic.
Anonymous commented
This needs to happen!
Anonymous commented
Alright so you want to go to the local grocery store. Lets just jump into it! Also lets just jump into making this a actual thing.
Zachary Daly commented