Philip DeFranco for Waze Voice
Request for Philip DeFranco to be one of the available voices for Voice Directions in the Waze Voice options.
Anonymous commented
I’d like my commute to be Phil’d In.
Jason Skinner commented
I definitely need this for any car ride, I'd use this to drive down the street
Anonymous commented
So much yes. I would ABSOLUTELY download this app if PhiliD is voicing it!
Jean-Claude Rollie commented
Yes, please! I want to be PhilD in on my couch AND on my car seat.
I don't own a car, but God is my witness, I will find a car seat!
Manpreet Singh commented
I will switch to waze for life if this becomes reality. Please devs 🙏
Jake commented
I 100% support Philip DeFranco giving directions on Waze make it happen now lol
Anonymous commented
This would be awesome, “Turn left ya beautiful bastard.”
jeff commented
You want me to use waze more than google maps? This is the way
Josefin Vestlund commented
YES! Let it happen!
Adam Walton commented
Ricardo Mendez commented
"Where to you beautiful bastards"
Brittany Williams commented
Let's just jump into it!
Anonymous commented
10/10 would recommend
Anonymous commented
Lino O Roman commented
Make this happen
Anonymous commented
Do the thing with the thing phil
Lunch Box commented
do it Phil!
Joshua Reese commented
I would love to be able to have Phil tell me where to go in the DMV area, this would be amazin!!
Christopher Gonzalez commented
Can't wait to jump into it
Nicholas Ensz commented
Totally yes this all day