Philip DeFranco for Waze Voice
Request for Philip DeFranco to be one of the available voices for Voice Directions in the Waze Voice options.
Keith Mitchell commented
yes please
Brandon Hess commented
Yes, please!
Clint Farmer commented
Hell Yeah. This would be awesome
Anonymous commented
I need this in my life pleaseeee!!
Suraj Nagesh commented
Please add his voice. Please. I love him
Anonymous commented
I would pay for Waze if he was giving me direction.
Anonymous commented
Please! PLEASE!! PUH-LEEZ!!!
Can we pretty please get this Beautiful Bastard's voice on our turn-by-turn directions??? -
Anonymous commented
I have enjoyed the Top Gear Guys and Morgan Freeman as Waze voices. There is only one logical conclusion, that Philip Defranco be the voice on my waze app!!!!!
Cole Ikerd commented
"Let's talk about some turns that matter to me today."
"And let's just jump into it..."
"And then let's talk about the next turn coming up..."
"Turn now, you beautiful bastard."
"With that said, get ready to turn."
"And that's where we're going to end today's drive. As always, My name's Phillip DeFranco, you've just been Philled in, I love your faces and I'll... see... you... tomorrow..."
Marylupe Hernandez commented
Pleaseeee make this happen
Anonymous commented
Would pay this voice
Andrew Bischoff commented
Please please please
Let us jump into it -
Ryan Robledo commented
pls let this happen
Hector commented
Please yes
Shaunza Rose Sweeney commented
YAAAAAASSSS!!!! It might be a bit of extra work for Philip, I would totally pay for it though, if possible!
Anonymous commented
I want my Waze to be Phill'd in
James Dabinett commented
Yes. Please, God, yes. Absolutely, positively, yes!
william commented
Please!!!!! I'll switch from Google maps in a heart beat!
Gaston commented
If this happens, I'Ll be downloading the app ASAP!
Anonymous commented
im so ready for this, it needs to happen