Share Notification
send SMS or email when you have arrived or 5min away from destination
Withhold Seth commented
I no longer tolerate sms texting. It's conveyed as Packet Data by all networks. ABSURD to spend money on that atop data fees.
I don't need google knowing MY information to share with people I trust already.
My brother forced his kids to use Xmpp Texting on all their devices. Six kids and 13 devices in his verizon account was stupid expensive with sms texting. "Unlimited free sms texting" is NOT free. Removing sms texting from his plan dropped his monthly cost 46% !!!!
Suggestion: send-xmpp-message-when-nearing-destination-jabber
Waze should integrate xmpp texting for map chats, inbox, and socializing to promote waze IRL with a JID inside domain.
Platform should be capable of both
● mpOTRBecause PRIVACY IS A RIGHT therefore we have a right to encrypt communication
I would want zRTP & sRTP encryption on Jingle (sip) notes and chats
Suggestion: use-jingle-to-send-short-audio-blurbs-to-others
I use both xmpp and sip.
.... the shocker...
VoLTE uses both SIP & XMPP
Microsoft Lync is both XMPP & SIP
Cisco uses both SIP & XMPP
When will the rest of us be wise?