High contrast day & night
I like the night-time, high contrast colors. None of the daytime color settings have enough contrast. How about a "forever night" setting, or a daytime super-high-contrast option?

Dar commented
Allow me to choose the dark theme as the always used UX theme / skin.
Anonymous commented
Default map should be NIGHT and then change to day when it confirms ambient light level is high otherwise one gets a flash of day mode in the night.
Jonathan Clutter commented
Please ,YES!
The cutesy pastel colors during day mode are not even close to contrast enough for the icons and text to be readable without the phone in your face.
If this app is expected to be used by a driver, then everything must be recognizable at a glance. We don't want eyes down for longer than a split second.
And the pop-up messages need to be bigger, but go away when I acknowledge them without touching the screen.