Re-Organize Speed Trap Buttons
When editing the map a lot of stationary speed traps are reported but not approved. They are reported on positions where mobile speed traps (Police notifications) are / would be. As a user who only uses the client I would first go to speed trap and report it instead of reporting a police hazard. The result is, that this trap is not reported unless it is approved. Another button in the speed trap menu would help, for instance "mobile speed trap" with a time stamp. The same button can be shown in the police menu for the users who are used to it.
Also a possibility to warn against places frequently used by police for mobile speed traps would be nice (maybe connected to a counter). This would be helpful in areas with low waze user density and prevent the first from being the fastest.

Sean commented
100% agree. Driving to my house, there's a speed trap where the speed limit inexplicably drops to 40 MPH for a couple hundred yards - clearly just a revenue-driver for the local government. I almost never get a police warning from Waze - we're all just too desensitized. But, there are police manning the same trap often. We need a way to permanently mark known speed traps. Or, make Waze smart enough to recognize when police are reported in the same spot often enough to permanantly mark and report it as a known speed trap.
Axel Müller commented
yes, this is an important improvement