CarPlay Toll/Freeway Toggle
I find many times where I'd like to assess the difference between Toll vs Non-Toll or Freeway vs Non-Freeway routes, but there is no easy and safe way to do this while connected to Carplay. Offering a simple accessible toggle for these functions would be extremely valuable!

Kris Samarakoon commented
PLEASE give us this feature!!!! I often reassess my route during my drive especially during peak hour traffic. When I start my drive I want to avoid tolls, but, if I get stuck in too much traffic I like to be able to reassess my options and see if tolls can save me any significant amount of time. There needs to be a quicker option to toggle tolls on/off from the in-drive drawer. Or, the routes option should always provide all route options available (including tolls) and simply have a filter to show/hide toll routes. I'm in Melbourne Australia on Android. Thanks.
MKing commented
Would be a HUGE help to have this on the navigation. Wreck on highway, toggle off freeway and waze automatically adjusts to take you safely on your way. Need space for it? Remove the speed limit.
nelson casquinha commented
It is the same on Android auto... I need to unplug the USB cable, change settings, then start waze again...
Manish Singh commented
Can’t believe this extremely valuable feature is still lacking in 2022!
I still have to pull over and use my phone to check the differences -_-
Anonymous commented
I dont know how WAZE missed this from the get-go... This is needed!