You should be able to fully adjust the volume of the voice separately from the volume of music playing.
Add a volume bar to customize the sound of navigation voice over music. If listening to music at a higher level the voice is overwhelming.

raher commented
de nombreux utilisateurs iphone carplay / waze / app musique signale que le volume de waze est trop faible par rapport a l'app musique (même volume au max sur l'app waze). un correctif ?
Craig Edwards commented
Turn waze volume to full or to match car volume automatically. Currently it comes through at the same volume as your phone, so if you've been watching youtube or using social media it is usually low and then when you connect to the car you can't hear directions. The only way to fix it is to disconnect Bluetooth, turn it up then reconnect. Android user
- commented
The audio instructions volume is too low during playing music via Bluetooth in my car.
If I increase the volume then the music is too loud.
If the music is at the right volume then I can’t hear the audio instructions anymore...
It should be possible to adjust those sound levels separately.I change the settings to „Play as Bluetooth phone call“ then uthe volume problem is solved. But then the music is completely silenced every time an audio instruction comes up, as the Bluetooth device thinks this is a phone call, so I can’t hear any music at all.
That's why I prefer the setting „standard setting of the device“ instead of „Play as Bluetooth phone call“ this is a much better/ smarter solution, as then the volume of the music is just „lowered" and the audio instructions of waze a played with the music in the background, I like that setting much more.
Just the sound levels of the played music and the audio instructions have to be corrected/ balanced, then this would also work and we don’t have to trick the Bluetooth device by telling this is a phone call.... -
Richard Lozando commented
Ter um sistema de controle de volume para o sistema de informações emitidas pelo wase quando conectado ao car play, pois quando tem uma música tocando e ela está em um volume elevado, ao abaixar o volume da música as informações do wase ficam muito baixas e as vezes não tem como ouvir direito
Anonymous commented
It would be great if there was a setting to have Waze voice come from Front left, front right, or all (stereo) speakers. This would allow music to continue to play for other passengers while the driver gets interrupted for directions.
Anonymous commented
Ganz Deiner Meinung. Navigationshinweise sind viel zu leise
Anonymous commented
Separate volume for waze and spotify. With music on loud the voice directions are deafening and make you jump out of your seat!
Anonymous commented
Die App ist fantastisch und mein absoluter Liebling der Navigation. Es gibt nur 2 Sachen die mich etwas stören, einmal der sehr hohe akkuverbrauch beim Navigieren (vielleicht lässt sich das auch nicht ändern) und die andere Sache ist. Das die Musikausgabe viel zu laut ist und die Navigation zu leise, ein 2. Lautstärke Regler im Menü wäre schön. So das ich Spotify... oder ähnliches leiser drehen kann.
Aber sonnst ist die App sehr cool. -
Anonymous commented
Die App ist fantastisch und mein absoluter Liebling der Navigation. Es gibt nur 2 Sachen die mich etwas stören, einmal der sehr hohe akkuverbrauch beim Navigieren (vielleicht lässt sich das auch nicht ändern) und die andere Sache ist. Das die Musikausgabe viel zu laut ist und die Navigation zu leise, ein 2. Lautstärke Regler im Menü wäre schön. So das ich Spotify... oder ähnliches leiser drehen kann.
Aber sonnst ist die App sehr cool. -
Anonymous commented
Die App ist fantastisch und mein absoluter Liebling der Navigation. Es gibt nur 2 Sachen die mich etwas stören, einmal der sehr hohe akkuverbrauch beim Navigieren (vielleicht lässt sich das auch nicht ändern) und die andere Sache ist. Das die Musikausgabe viel zu laut ist und die Navigation zu leise, ein 2. Lautstärke Regler im Menü wäre schön. So das ich Spotify... oder ähnliches leiser drehen kann.
Aber sonnst ist die App sehr cool. -
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to control the volume of Spotify separately from the volume of the Waze audio when my iPhone is connected to my car stereo via Bluetooth. There is a volume slider for Waze, which I have all the way up, but I'd still like the volume of Spotify to be lower in comparison to the volume of the Waze audio.